Luke Seelenbinder

Member of the Governing Board

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Hi, I’m Luke.

I’ve been part of MapLibre since the beginning—helping with the initial communication, organizational setup, and a member of the governing board since inception. I hope to continue serving the community as a member of the board and active participant. This year continued that work, and I had the chance to speak several times about MapLibre, and see the completion of several of my goals from last year.

This past year saw the conclusion of the majority of the Metal transition work, moves towards improving and overhauling the bounty system in favor of more in-house talent that can directly build the libraries, and some initial work towards unified code in Rust (thanks @nyurik!).

For the upcoming year, I hope to see the following achieved:

  • A strong organization with the new graphics engineer and new coordinator.
  • MapLibre Tiles succeed in moving beyond the POC to a viable production project.
  • Continued growth and success of the core projects and their communities.
  • Continued support from our generous sponsors and community members.

Personally, I’m also invested in seeing an adjacent navigation project, spearheaded by my company, be more closely integrated with the MapLibre ecosystem so there’s once again a production-ready, open source navigation SDK for all to use.

Here’s to another year of building tools to help everyone build the best open source maps!