
Welcome to Our Community

The people in our community talk with each other mainly in the following three ways:

  1. Discussions, Issues, and Pull Requests on GitHub
    You find all Discussions, Issues, and Pull Requests in our public GitHub repostories.
  2. MapLibre Slack channel
    The MapLibre Slack channel is generously hosted by OpenStreetMap US (thanks Maggie). You can join our Slack channel at and then you can join the main #maplibre channel as well as topic-specific channels such as #maplibre-gl-js
  3. Technical Steering Committee meetings
    The Technical Steering Committee meetings take place on a monthly basis. They are usually on the second Wednesday of the month in the evening Europe-time. These monthly meetings are open to everybody and you are welcome to join us there and say hi. The meeting zoom link gets published in our Slack channel roughly 1 week before the meeting.

Contributors, alumni, & board members around the globe