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Defined in: src/ui/control/geolocate_control.ts:240

A GeolocateControl control provides a button that uses the browser's geolocation API to locate the user on the map.

Not all browsers support geolocation, and some users may disable the feature. Geolocation support for modern browsers including Chrome requires sites to be served over HTTPS. If geolocation support is not available, the GeolocateControl will show as disabled.

The zoom level applied will depend on the accuracy of the geolocation provided by the device.

The GeolocateControl has two modes. If trackUserLocation is false (default) the control acts as a button, which when pressed will set the map's camera to target the user location. If the user moves, the map won't update. This is most suited for the desktop. If trackUserLocation is true the control acts as a toggle button that when active the user's location is actively monitored for changes. In this mode the GeolocateControl has three interaction states: * active - the map's camera automatically updates as the user's location changes, keeping the location dot in the center. Initial state and upon clicking the GeolocateControl button. * passive - the user's location dot automatically updates, but the map's camera does not. Occurs upon the user initiating a map movement. * disabled - occurs if Geolocation is not available, disabled or denied.

These interaction states can't be controlled programmatically, rather they are set based on user interactions.

State Diagram

GeolocateControl state diagram


map.addControl(new GeolocateControl({
    positionOptions: {
        enableHighAccuracy: true
    trackUserLocation: true
// Initialize the geolocate control.
let geolocate = new GeolocateControl({
  positionOptions: {
      enableHighAccuracy: true
  trackUserLocation: true
// Add the control to the map.
// Set an event listener that fires
// when a trackuserlocationend event occurs.
geolocate.on('trackuserlocationend', () => {
  console.log('A trackuserlocationend event has occurred.')
// Initialize the geolocate control.
let geolocate = new GeolocateControl({
  positionOptions: {
      enableHighAccuracy: true
  trackUserLocation: true
// Add the control to the map.
// Set an event listener that fires
// when a trackuserlocationstart event occurs.
geolocate.on('trackuserlocationstart', () => {
  console.log('A trackuserlocationstart event has occurred.')
// Initialize the geolocate control.
let geolocate = new GeolocateControl({
  positionOptions: {
      enableHighAccuracy: true
  trackUserLocation: true
// Add the control to the map.
// Set an event listener that fires
// when an userlocationlostfocus event occurs.
geolocate.on('userlocationlostfocus', function() {
  console.log('An userlocationlostfocus event has occurred.')
// Initialize the geolocate control.
let geolocate = new GeolocateControl({
  positionOptions: {
      enableHighAccuracy: true
  trackUserLocation: true
// Add the control to the map.
// Set an event listener that fires
// when an userlocationfocus event occurs.
geolocate.on('userlocationfocus', function() {
  console.log('An userlocationfocus event has occurred.')
// Initialize the geolocate control.
let geolocate = new GeolocateControl({
  positionOptions: {
      enableHighAccuracy: true
  trackUserLocation: true
// Add the control to the map.
// Set an event listener that fires
// when a geolocate event occurs.
geolocate.on('geolocate', () => {
  console.log('A geolocate event has occurred.')
// Initialize the geolocate control.
let geolocate = new GeolocateControl({
  positionOptions: {
      enableHighAccuracy: true
  trackUserLocation: true
// Add the control to the map.
// Set an event listener that fires
// when an error event occurs.
geolocate.on('error', () => {
  console.log('An error event has occurred.')
// Initialize the geolocate control.
let geolocate = new GeolocateControl({
  positionOptions: {
      enableHighAccuracy: true
  trackUserLocation: true
// Add the control to the map.
// Set an event listener that fires
// when an outofmaxbounds event occurs.
geolocate.on('outofmaxbounds', () => {
  console.log('An outofmaxbounds event has occurred.')


Locate the user


Event trackuserlocationend of type Event will be fired when the GeolocateControl changes to the background state, which happens when a user changes the camera during an active position lock. This only applies when trackUserLocation is true. In the background state, the dot on the map will update with location updates but the camera will not.

Event trackuserlocationstart of type Event will be fired when the GeolocateControl changes to the active lock state, which happens either upon first obtaining a successful Geolocation API position for the user (a geolocate event will follow), or the user clicks the geolocate button when in the background state which uses the last known position to recenter the map and enter active lock state (no geolocate event will follow unless the users's location changes).

Event userlocationlostfocus of type Event will be fired when the GeolocateControl changes to the background state, which happens when a user changes the camera during an active position lock. This only applies when trackUserLocation is true. In the background state, the dot on the map will update with location updates but the camera will not.

Event userlocationfocus of type Event will be fired when the GeolocateControl changes to the active lock state, which happens upon the user clicks the geolocate button when in the background state which uses the last known position to recenter the map and enter active lock state.

Event geolocate of type Event will be fired on each Geolocation API position update which returned as success. data - The returned Position object from the callback in Geolocation.getCurrentPosition() or Geolocation.watchPosition().

Event error of type Event will be fired on each Geolocation API position update which returned as an error. data - The returned PositionError object from the callback in Geolocation.getCurrentPosition() or Geolocation.watchPosition().

Event outofmaxbounds of type Event will be fired on each Geolocation API position update which returned as success but user position is out of map maxBounds. data - The returned Position object from the callback in Geolocation.getCurrentPosition() or Geolocation.watchPosition().




new GeolocateControl()

new GeolocateControl(options: GeolocateControlOptions): GeolocateControl

Defined in: src/ui/control/geolocate_control.ts:275


Parameter Type Description
options GeolocateControlOptions the control's options







_isOutOfMapMaxBounds(position: GeolocationPosition): boolean

Defined in: src/ui/control/geolocate_control.ts:318

Check if the Geolocation API Position is outside the map's maxBounds.


Parameter Type Description
position GeolocationPosition the Geolocation API Position



true if position is outside the map's maxBounds, otherwise returns false.


_onSuccess(position: GeolocationPosition): void

Defined in: src/ui/control/geolocate_control.ts:363

When the Geolocation API returns a new location, update the GeolocateControl.


Parameter Type Description
position GeolocationPosition the Geolocation API Position




_updateCamera(position: GeolocationPosition): void

Defined in: src/ui/control/geolocate_control.ts:430

Update the camera location to center on the current position


Parameter Type Description
position GeolocationPosition the Geolocation API Position




_updateMarker(position?: GeolocationPosition): void

Defined in: src/ui/control/geolocate_control.ts:447

Update the user location dot Marker to the current position


Parameter Type Description
position? GeolocationPosition the Geolocation API Position




listens(type: string): boolean

Defined in: src/util/evented.ts:165

Returns a true if this instance of Evented or any forwardeed instances of Evented have a listener for the specified type.


Parameter Type Description
type string The event type



true if there is at least one registered listener for specified event type, false otherwise

Inherited from



off(type: string, listener: Listener): GeolocateControl

Defined in: src/util/evented.ts:90

Removes a previously registered event listener.


Parameter Type Description
type string The event type to remove listeners for.
listener Listener The listener function to remove.



Inherited from


on(type: string, listener: Listener): Subscription

Defined in: src/util/evented.ts:73

Adds a listener to a specified event type.


Parameter Type Description
type string The event type to add a listen for.
listener Listener The function to be called when the event is fired. The listener function is called with the data object passed to fire, extended with target and type properties.



Inherited from



onAdd(map: Map): HTMLElement

Defined in: src/ui/control/geolocate_control.ts:281

Register a control on the map and give it a chance to register event listeners and resources. This method is called by Map#addControl internally.


Parameter Type Description
map Map the Map this control will be added to



The control's container element. This should be created by the control and returned by onAdd without being attached to the DOM: the map will insert the control's element into the DOM as necessary.

Implementation of



once(type: string, listener?: Listener): Promise<any> | GeolocateControl

Defined in: src/util/evented.ts:106

Adds a listener that will be called only once to a specified event type.

The listener will be called first time the event fires after the listener is registered.


Parameter Type Description
type string The event type to listen for.
listener? Listener The function to be called when the event is fired the first time.


Promise<any> | GeolocateControl

this or a promise if a listener is not provided

Inherited from



onRemove(): void

Defined in: src/ui/control/geolocate_control.ts:290

Unregister a control on the map and give it a chance to detach event listeners and resources. This method is called by Map#removeControl internally.



Implementation of



setEventedParent(parent?: Evented, data?: any): GeolocateControl

Defined in: src/util/evented.ts:176

Bubble all events fired by this instance of Evented to this parent instance of Evented.


Parameter Type
parent? Evented
data? any



Inherited from



trigger(): boolean

Defined in: src/ui/control/geolocate_control.ts:620

Programmatically request and move the map to the user's location.



false if called before control was added to a map, otherwise returns true.


// Initialize the geolocate control.
let geolocate = new GeolocateControl({
 positionOptions: {
   enableHighAccuracy: true
 trackUserLocation: true
// Add the control to the map.
map.on('load', () => {