
Defines configuration MapLibreMapOptions for a MapLibreMap. These options can be used when adding a map to your application programmatically (as opposed to via XML). If you are using a MapFragment, you can pass these options in using the static factory method newInstance(MapLibreMapOptions). If you are using a MapView, you can pass these options in using the constructor MapView(Context, MapLibreMapOptions). If you add a map using XML, then you can apply these options using custom XML tags.


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Creates a new MapLibreMapOptions object.


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open val apiBaseUri: String
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open val logoGravity: Int
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open val logoMargins: Array<Int>
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open val pixelRatio: Float
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@get:IntRange(from = 0)
open var prefetchZoomDelta: Int
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Specifies the URI used for API endpoint.
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Specifies the URL used for API endpoint.
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Specifies the visibility state of a attribution for a map view.
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Specifies the gravity state of attribution for a map view.
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Specifies the margin state of attribution for a map view
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Specifies the tint color of the attribution for a map view
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open fun camera(cameraPosition: CameraPosition): MapLibreMapOptions
Specifies a the initial camera position for the map view.
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Specifies the visibility state of a maplibre_compass_icon for a map view.
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open fun compassFadesWhenFacingNorth(compassFadeWhenFacingNorth: Boolean): MapLibreMapOptions
Specifies if the maplibre_compass_icon fades to invisible when facing north.
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Specifies the gravity state of maplibre_compass_icon for a map view.
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Specifies the image of the CompassView.
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Specifies the margin state of maplibre_compass_icon for a map view
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Creates a default MapLibreMapsOptions from a given context.
Creates a MapLibreMapsOptions from the attribute set.
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open fun crossSourceCollisions(crossSourceCollisions: Boolean): MapLibreMapOptions
Enable cross-source symbol collision detection, defaults to true.
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Specifies the used debug type for a map view.
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open fun describeContents(): Int
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Specifies if the double tap gesture is enabled for a map view.
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open fun equals(@Nullable o: Any): Boolean
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Set the MapView foreground color that is used when the map surface is being created.
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open fun getApiBaseUrl(): String
Get the current configured API endpoint base URL.
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Get the current configured initial camera position for a map view.
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Get the current configured state for fading the maplibre_compass_icon when facing north.
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Get the current configured maximum pitch for a map view.
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Get the current configured maximum zoom for a map view.
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Get the current configured min pitch for a map view.
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Get the current configured min zoom for a map view.
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Get the flag to render the map surface on top of another surface.
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open fun hashCode(): Int
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Specifies if the horizontal scroll gesture is enabled for a map view.
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Returns true if local ideograph font family is enabled, defaults to true.
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Set the font family for generating glyphs locally for ideographs in the 'CJK Unified Ideographs' and 'Hangul Syllables' ranges.
Set a font family from range of font families for generating glyphs locally for ideographs in the 'CJK Unified Ideographs' and 'Hangul Syllables' ranges.
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Enable local ideograph font family, defaults to true.
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Specifies the visibility state of a logo for a map view.
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Specifies the gravity state of logo for a map view.
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Specifies the margin state of logo for a map view
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Specifies the used maximum pitch for a map view.
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Specifies the used maximum zoom level for a map view.
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Specifies the used minimum pitch for a map view.
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Specifies the used minimum zoom level for a map view.
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Set the custom pixel ratio configuration to override the default value from resources.
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Specifies whether the user may zoom the map by tapping twice, holding and moving the pointer up and down.
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open fun renderSurfaceOnTop(renderOnTop: Boolean)
Set the flag to render the map surface on top of another surface.
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Specifies if the rotate gesture is enabled for a map view.
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Specifies if the scroll gesture is enabled for a map view.
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Enable android.view.TextureView as rendered surface.
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Specifies if the tilt gesture is enabled for a map view.
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open fun translucentTextureSurface(translucentTextureSurface: Boolean): MapLibreMapOptions
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open fun writeToParcel(@NonNull dest: Parcel, flags: Int)
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Specifies if the zoom gesture is enabled for a map view.