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Using a GeoJSON Source

This guide will teach you how to use GeoJsonSource by deep diving into GeoJSON file format.


After finishing this documentation you should be able to:

  1. Understand how Style, Layer, and Source interact with each other.
  2. Explore building blocks of GeoJSON data.
  3. Use GeoJSON files in constructing GeoJsonSources.
  4. Update data at runtime.

1. Styles, Layers, and Data source

  • A style defines the visual representation of the map such as colors and appearance.
  • Layers control how data should be presented to the user.
  • Data sources hold actual data and provides layers with it.

Styles consist of collections of layers and a data source. Layers reference data sources. Hence, they require a unique source ID when you construct them. It would be meaningless if we don't have any data to show, so we need know how to supply data through a data source.

Firstly, we need to understand how to store data and pass it into a data source; therefore, we will discuss GeoJSON in the next session.

2. GeoJSON

GeoJSON is a JSON file for encoding various geographical data structures. It defines several JSON objects to represent geospatial information. Typicalle the.geojson extension is used for GeoJSON files. We define the most fundamental objects:

  • Geometry refers to a single geometric shape that contains one or more coordinates. These shapes are visual objects displayed on a map. A geometry can be one of the following six types:
    • Point
    • MultiPoint
    • LineString
    • MultilineString
    • Polygon
    • MultiPolygon
  • Feautue is a compound object that combines a single geometry with user-defined attributes, such as name, color.
  • FeatureCollection is set of features stored in an array. It is a root object that introduces all other features.

A typical GeoJSON structure might look like:

  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [125.6, 10.1]
  "properties": {
    "name": "Dinagat Islands"

So far we learned describing geospatial data in GeoJSON files. We will start applying this knowledge into our map applications.

3. GeoJsonSource

As we discussed before, map requires some sort data to be rendered. We use different sources such as Vector, Raster and GeoJSON. We will focus exclusively on GeoJsonSource and will not address other sources.

GeoJsonSource is a type of source that has a unique String ID and GeoJSON data.

There are several ways to construct a GeoJsonSource:

  • Locally stored files such as assets and raw folders
  • Remote services
  • Raw string parsed into FeatureCollections objects
  • Geometry, Feature, and FeatureCollection objects that map to GeoJSON Base builders

A sample GeoJsonSource:

val source = GeoJsonSource("source", featureCollection)
val lineLayer = LineLayer("layer", "source")


Note that you can not simply show data on a map. Layers must reference them. Therefore, you create a layer that gives visual appearance to it.

Creating GeoJSON sources

There are various ways you can create a GeoJSONSource. Some of the options are shown below.

Loading from local files with assets folder file
binding.mapView.getMapAsync { map ->
    map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(cameraTarget, cameraZoom))
            .withImage(imageId, imageIcon)
            .withSource(GeoJsonSource(sourceId, URI("asset://points-sf.geojson")))
            .withLayer(SymbolLayer(layerId, sourceId).withProperties(iconImage(imageId)))
Loading with raw folder file
val source: Source = try {
    GeoJsonSource("amsterdam-spots", ResourceUtils.readRawResource(this,
} catch (ioException: IOException) {
        "Couldn't add source: " + ioException.message,
var layer: FillLayer? = FillLayer("parksLayer", "amsterdam-spots")
Parsing inline JSON
fun readRawResource(context: Context?, @RawRes rawResource: Int): String {
    var json = ""
    if (context != null) {
        val writer: Writer = StringWriter()
        val buffer = CharArray(1024)
        context.resources.openRawResource(rawResource).use { `is` ->
            val reader: Reader = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(`is`, "UTF-8"))
            var numRead: Int
            while ( { numRead = it } != -1) {
                writer.write(buffer, 0, numRead)
        json = writer.toString()
    return json
Loading from remote services
private fun createEarthquakeSource(): GeoJsonSource {
companion object {
    private const val EARTHQUAKE_SOURCE_URL =
    private const val EARTHQUAKE_SOURCE_ID = "earthquakes"
    private const val HEATMAP_LAYER_ID = "earthquakes-heat"
    private const val HEATMAP_LAYER_SOURCE = "earthquakes"
    private const val CIRCLE_LAYER_ID = "earthquakes-circle"
Parsing string with the fromJson method of FeatureCollection
return FeatureCollection.fromJson(
      "type": "FeatureCollection",
      "features": [
          "type": "Feature",
          "properties": {},
          "geometry": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [
).features()!![0].geometry() as Polygon
Creating Geometry, Feature, and FeatureCollections from scratch
val properties = JsonObject()
properties.addProperty("key1", "value1")
val source = GeoJsonSource(
            Feature.fromGeometry(Point.fromLngLat(17.1, 51.0), properties),
            Feature.fromGeometry(Point.fromLngLat(17.2, 51.0), properties),
            Feature.fromGeometry(Point.fromLngLat(17.3, 51.0), properties),
            Feature.fromGeometry(Point.fromLngLat(17.4, 51.0), properties)
val visible = Expression.eq(Expression.get("key1"), Expression.literal("value1"))
val invisible = Expression.neq(Expression.get("key1"), Expression.literal("value1"))
val layer = CircleLayer("test-layer",

Note that the GeoJSON objects we discussed earlier have classes defined in the MapLibre SDK. Therefore, we can either map JSON objects to regular Java/Kotlin objects or build them directly.

4. Updating data at runtime

The key feature of GeoJsonSources is that once we add one, we can set another set of data. We achieve this using setGeoJson() method. For instance, we create a source variable and check if we have not assigned it, then we create a new source object and add it to style; otherwise, we set a different data source:

private fun createFeatureCollection(): FeatureCollection {
    val point = if (isInitialPosition) {
        Point.fromLngLat(-74.01618140, 40.701745)
    } else {
        Point.fromLngLat(-73.988097, 40.749864)
    val properties = JsonObject()
    properties.addProperty(KEY_PROPERTY_SELECTED, isSelected)
    val feature = Feature.fromGeometry(point, properties)
    return FeatureCollection.fromFeatures(arrayOf(feature))
private fun updateSource(style: Style?) {
    val featureCollection = createFeatureCollection()
    if (source != null) {
    } else {
        source = GeoJsonSource(SOURCE_ID, featureCollection)

See this guide for an advanced example that showcases random cars and a passenger on a map updating their positions with smooth animation.


GeoJsonSources have their pros and cons. They are most effective when you want to add additional data to your style or provide features like animating objects on your map.

However, working with large datasets can be challenging if you need to manipulate and store data within the app; in such cases, it’s better to use a remote data source.