Grab Talk Khmer

Jan 12, 2023

Categories: Announcements
Authors: Oliver Wipfli

Alan Wei Chen from GrabMaps is giving a talk about how Grab renders text labels in the Khmer language using FreeType and HarfBuzz in the next MapLibre Eastern Call. Feel free to join the presentation!

Map with Khmer text labels

The next MapLibre Eastern Call is on Wednesday, Feb 8th, 2023 from 9 AM to 10 AM CET. To get the link to the video call, you can join our Slack channel in the OpenStreetMap US Slack. Go to and join the #maplibre channel and look for “MapLibre Eastern Call” to find the zoom link. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Alan Wei Chen (GitHub profile) and his team at GrabMaps are active contributors of MapLibre Native and we are glad that they support the open-source community and help building the best map renderer in the world together!