Results of the 2023 MapLibre Governing Board Election

Categories: announcements
Authors: Oliver Wipfli

The MapLibre Governing Board Elections are finished - all existing Board members have been reelected.

MapLibre Governing Board 2023

Birk Skyum

Harel Mazor

Luke Seelenbinder

Petr Pridal

Yuri Astrakhan

Congratulations to the elected Board members and a big thank you to Jonah Adkins for running for the Board as the only newcomer!

Prior to the Governing Board Elections, 50 new Voting Members were nominated and confirmed by the existing Voting Members. This means that there are now 93 MapLibre Voting Members in total, see list of all Voting Members.

Out of the 93 Voting Members, 58 participated in the vote, resulting in a voter turnout of 62 percent.

Since the voting body is a small group of people, we used ranked-choice voting based on the Meek STV method. For a detailed run-down of the calculation, see the voting results (mirror).

Thanks to all Voting Members for participating in the election, and thanks to all new Governing Board members for volunteering your time for MapLibre!