
A geocoder control for maplibre-gl-js.

A full working example can be found here, which uses Nominatim: https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js/docs/examples/geocoder/

npm install --save @maplibre/maplibre-gl-geocoder
import MaplibreGeocoder from '@maplibre/maplibre-gl-geocoder';
import '@maplibre/maplibre-gl-geocoder/dist/maplibre-gl-geocoder.css';
// Functions should return Carmen GeoJSON, see the relevant type in this project
// View config definitions in our [documentation](https://www.maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-geocoder/)
var Geo = {
// required
forwardGeocode: async (config) => { /* definition here */ },

// optional
reverseGeocode: async (config) => { /* definition here */ }, // reverse geocoding API
getSuggestions: async (config) => { /* definition here */ }, // suggestion API
searchByPlaceId: async (config) => { /* definition here */ } // search by Place ID API

// Pass in or define a geocoding API that matches the above
const geocoder = new MaplibreGeocoder(Geo, { maplibregl: maplibregl });

It is possible to use the plugin without it being placed as a control on a maplibre-gl map.

See here for complete reference.

Also check out the example in MapLibre docs: https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js/docs/examples/geocoder/


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