MapLibre Native for Qt
No Matches

This is an example of how to use the Style item.

import QtQuick 2.15
import QtLocation 6.5
import QtPositioning 6.5
import MapLibre 3.0
Item {
width: 512
height: 512
Plugin {
id: mapPlugin
name: "maplibre"
PluginParameter {
name: ""
value: ""
MapView {
id: mapView
anchors.fill: parent
map.plugin: mapPlugin
map.zoomLevel: 5 QtPositioning.coordinate(41.874, -75.789) Style {
id: style
id: radarSourceParam
styleId: "radar"
type: "image"
property string url: ""
property var coordinates: [
[-80.425, 46.437],
[-71.516, 46.437],
[-71.516, 37.936],
[-80.425, 37.936]
id: radarLayerParam
styleId: "radar-layer"
type: "raster"
property string source: "radar"
paint: {
"raster-opacity": 0.9
A QML type for setting parameters of a layer. Generated from QMapLibre::LayerParameter and should be ...
Definition LayerParameter.qml:13
A QML type for setting parameters of a source. Generated from QMapLibre::SourceParameter and should b...
Definition SourceParameter.qml:13
A QML helper item to be attached to a MapView using property.
Definition Style.qml:21