

As of 7.0.0, use MapLibre Annotation Plugin instead

Factory for creating Icons from bitmap images.

icon is used to display bitmaps on top of the map using Marker.


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open fun defaultMarker(): Icon
Provides an icon using the default marker icon used for Marker.
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open fun fromAsset(@NonNull assetName: String): Icon
Creates an Icon using the name of a Bitmap image in the assets directory.
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open fun fromBitmap(@NonNull bitmap: Bitmap): Icon
Creates an icon from a given Bitmap image.
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open fun fromFile(@NonNull fileName: String): Icon
Create an Icon using the name of a Bitmap image file located in the internal storage.
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open fun fromPath(@NonNull absolutePath: String): Icon
Creates an Icon using the absolute file path of a Bitmap image.
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open fun fromResource(@DrawableRes resourceId: Int): Icon
Creates an icon using the resource ID of a Bitmap image.
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open fun getInstance(@NonNull context: Context): IconFactory
Get a single instance of IconFactory.
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open fun recreate(@NonNull iconId: String, @NonNull bitmap: Bitmap): Icon
Create an Icon using a previously created icon identifier along with a provided Bitmap.