
MapLibreConstants exposes MapLibre related constants


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Vertical angle threshold for a horizontal disabled fling gesture
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Default animation time
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Animation time of a fling gesture
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Default short animation time
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val DEFAULT_FONT: String = "sans-serif"
Default value for font fallback for local ideograph fonts
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Default value for KEY_META_DATA_MEASURE_TILE_DOWNLOAD_ON (default is off)
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Default value for KEY_META_DATA_SET_STORAGE_EXTERNAL (default is internal storage)
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val FRAG_ARG_MAPLIBREMAPOPTIONS: String = "MapLibreMapOptions"
Fragment Argument Key for MapLibreMapOptions
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val KEY_META_DATA_MEASURE_TILE_DOWNLOAD_ON: String = "com.mapbox.MeasureTileDownloadOn"
Key used to switch Tile Download Measuring on/off in AndroidManifest.
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val KEY_META_DATA_SET_STORAGE_EXTERNAL: String = "com.mapbox.SetStorageExternal"
Key used to switch storage to external in AndroidManifest.
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val LAYER_ID_ANNOTATIONS: String = "org.maplibre.annotations.points"
Layer Id of annotations layer
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Default Locale for data processing (ex: String.
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val MAPLIBRE_SHARED_PREFERENCES: String = "MapboxSharedPreferences"
The name of the desired preferences file for Android's SharedPreferences.
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Maximum absolute zoom change for multi-pointer scale velocity animation
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Maximum angular velocity for rotation animation
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The currently supported maximum direction
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val MAXIMUM_PITCH: Float = 60.0f
The currently supported maximum pitch level.
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The currently used maximum scale factor to clamp to when a quick zoom gesture occurs
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val MAXIMUM_TILT: Double = 60.0
The currently supported maximum tilt value.
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val MAXIMUM_ZOOM: Float = 25.5f
The currently supported maximum zoom level.
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Minimum angular velocity for rotation animation
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The currently supported minimum direction
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val MINIMUM_PITCH: Float = 0.0f
The currently supported minimum pitch level.
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The currently used minimum scale factor to clamp to when a quick zoom gesture occurs
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val MINIMUM_TILT: Double = 0.0
The currently supported minimum tilt value.
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val MINIMUM_ZOOM: Float = 0.0f
The currently supported minimum zoom level.
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Maximum possible zoom change during the quick zoom gesture executed across the whole screen
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val ROTATE_VELOCITY_RATIO_THRESHOLD: Double = 2.2000000000000003E-4
Last rotation delta to XY velocity ratio required to execute rotation velocity animation.
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Value by which the default rotation threshold will be increased when scaling
Scale velocity animation duration multiplier.
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Last scale span delta to XY velocity ratio required to execute scale velocity animation.
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Time within which user needs to lift fingers for velocity animation to start.
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Factor to calculate tilt change based on pixel change during shove gesture.
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val STATE_ATTRIBUTION_ENABLED: String = "maplibre_atrrEnabled"
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val STATE_ATTRIBUTION_GRAVITY: String = "maplibre_attrGravity"
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val STATE_ATTRIBUTION_MARGIN_BOTTOM: String = "maplibre_atrrMarginBottom"
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val STATE_ATTRIBUTION_MARGIN_LEFT: String = "maplibre_attrMarginLeft"
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val STATE_ATTRIBUTION_MARGIN_RIGHT: String = "maplibre_attrMarginRight"
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val STATE_ATTRIBUTION_MARGIN_TOP: String = "maplibre_attrMarginTop"
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val STATE_CAMERA_POSITION: String = "maplibre_cameraPosition"
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val STATE_COMPASS_ENABLED: String = "maplibre_compassEnabled"
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val STATE_COMPASS_FADE_WHEN_FACING_NORTH: String = "maplibre_compassFade"
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val STATE_COMPASS_GRAVITY: String = "maplibre_compassGravity"
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val STATE_COMPASS_IMAGE_BITMAP: String = "maplibre_compassImage"
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val STATE_COMPASS_MARGIN_BOTTOM: String = "maplibre_compassMarginBottom"
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val STATE_COMPASS_MARGIN_LEFT: String = "maplibre_compassMarginLeft"
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val STATE_COMPASS_MARGIN_RIGHT: String = "maplibre_compassMarginRight"
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val STATE_COMPASS_MARGIN_TOP: String = "maplibre_compassMarginTop"
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val STATE_DEBUG_ACTIVE: String = "maplibre_debugActive"
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val STATE_DESELECT_MARKER_ON_TAP: String = "maplibre_deselectMarkerOnTap"
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val STATE_DISABLE_ROTATE_WHEN_SCALING: String = "maplibre_disableRotateWhenScaling"
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val STATE_DOUBLE_TAP_ENABLED: String = "maplibre_doubleTapEnabled"
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val STATE_FLING_ANIMATION_ENABLED: String = "maplibre_flingAnimationEnabled"
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val STATE_HAS_SAVED_STATE: String = "maplibre_savedState"
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val STATE_HORIZONAL_SCROLL_ENABLED: String = "maplibre_horizontalScrollEnabled"
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val STATE_INCREASE_ROTATE_THRESHOLD: String = "maplibre_increaseRotateThreshold"
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val STATE_INCREASE_SCALE_THRESHOLD: String = "maplibre_increaseScaleThreshold"
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val STATE_LOGO_ENABLED: String = "maplibre_logoEnabled"
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val STATE_LOGO_GRAVITY: String = "maplibre_logoGravity"
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val STATE_LOGO_MARGIN_BOTTOM: String = "maplibre_logoMarginBottom"
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val STATE_LOGO_MARGIN_LEFT: String = "maplibre_logoMarginLeft"
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val STATE_LOGO_MARGIN_RIGHT: String = "maplibre_logoMarginRight"
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val STATE_LOGO_MARGIN_TOP: String = "maplibre_logoMarginTop"
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val STATE_QUICK_ZOOM_ENABLED: String = "maplibre_quickZoom"
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val STATE_ROTATE_ANIMATION_ENABLED: String = "maplibre_rotateAnimationEnabled"
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val STATE_ROTATE_ENABLED: String = "maplibre_rotateEnabled"
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val STATE_SCALE_ANIMATION_ENABLED: String = "maplibre_scaleAnimationEnabled"
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val STATE_SCROLL_ENABLED: String = "maplibre_scrollEnabled"
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val STATE_TILT_ENABLED: String = "maplibre_tiltEnabled"
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val STATE_USER_FOCAL_POINT: String = "maplibre_userFocalPoint"
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val STATE_ZOOM_ENABLED: String = "maplibre_zoomEnabled"
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val STATE_ZOOM_RATE: String = "maplibre_zoomRate"
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val UNMEASURED: Float = -1.0f
Unmeasured state
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Velocity threshold for a fling gesture
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val ZOOM_RATE: Float = 0.65f
Zoom value multiplier for scale gestures.