
Contains the four points defining the four-sided polygon that is visible in a map's camera. This polygon can be a trapezoid instead of a rectangle, because a camera can have tilt. If the camera is directly over the center of the camera, the shape is rectangular, but if the camera is tilted, the shape will appear to be a trapezoid whose smallest side is closest to the point of view.


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constructor(farLeft: LatLng, farRight: LatLng, nearLeft: LatLng, nearRight: LatLng, latLngBounds: LatLngBounds)

Creates a VisibleRegion given the four corners of the camera.


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object Companion


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LatLng object that defines the far left corner of the camera.

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LatLng object that defines the far right corner of the camera.

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The smallest bounding box that includes the visible region defined in this class.

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LatLng object that defines the bottom left corner of the camera.

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LatLng object that defines the bottom right corner of the camera.


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open override fun describeContents(): Int

Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Compares this VisibleRegion to another object. If the other object is actually a pointer to this object, or if all four corners and the bounds of the two objects are the same, this method returns true. Otherwise, this method returns false.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Returns a hash code value for the object.

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open override fun toString(): String

The string representation of the object.

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open override fun writeToParcel(out: Parcel, flags: Int)

Flatten this object in to a Parcel.