
The GLSurfaceViewMapRenderer encapsulates the GL thread and GLSurfaceView specifics to render the map.

See also


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constructor(context: Context, glSurfaceView: MapLibreGLSurfaceView, localIdeographFontFamily: String)


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open fun onDestroy()
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open fun onDrawFrame(gl: GL10)
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open fun onPause()
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open fun onResume()
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open fun onStart()
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open fun onStop()
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open fun onSurfaceChanged(gl: GL10, width: Int, height: Int)
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open fun onSurfaceCreated(gl: GL10, config: EGLConfig)
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open fun queueEvent(runnable: Runnable)
May be called from any thread.
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open fun requestRender()
May be called from any thread.
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open fun setMaximumFps(maximumFps: Int)
The max frame rate at which this render is rendered, but it can't excess the ability of device hardware.
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open fun setSwapBehaviorFlush(flush: Boolean)
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open fun waitForEmpty()
open fun waitForEmpty(timeoutMillis: Long): Long