
open class Expression

The value for any layout property, paint property, or filter may be specified as an expression. An expression defines a formula for computing the value of the property using the operators described below. The set of expression operators provided by MapLibre GL includes:

  • Element
  • Mathematical operators for performing arithmetic and other operations on numeric values
  • Logical operators for manipulating boolean values and making conditional decisions
  • String operators for manipulating strings
  • Data operators, providing access to the properties of source features
  • Camera operators, providing access to the parameters defining the current map view

Expressions are represented as JSON arrays. The first element of an expression array is a string naming the expression operator, e.g. "*"or "case". Subsequent elements (if any) are the arguments to the expression. Each argument is either a literal value (a string, number, boolean, or null), or another expression array.

Data expression: a data expression is any expression that access feature data -- that is, any expression that uses one of the data operators:get,has,id,geometry-type, or properties. Data expressions allow a feature's properties to determine its appearance. They can be used to differentiate features within the same layer and to create data visualizations.

Camera expression: a camera expression is any expression that uses the zoom operator. Such expressions allow the the appearance of a layer to change with the map's zoom level. Camera expressions can be used to create the appearance of depth and to control data density.

Composition: a single expression may use a mix of data operators, camera operators, and other operators. Such composite expressions allows a layer's appearance to be determined by a combination of the zoom level and individual feature properties.

Example expression:

FillLayer fillLayer = new FillLayer("layer-id", "source-id");
    interpolate( linear(), zoom(),
      stop(12, step(get("stroke-width"),
        stop(1f, color(Color.RED)),
        stop(2f, color(Color.WHITE)),
        stop(3f, color(Color.BLUE))
      stop(15, step(get("stroke-width"),
        stop(1f, color(Color.YELLOW)),
        stop(2f, color(Color.LTGRAY)),
        stop(3f, color(Color.CYAN))
      stop(18, step(get("stroke-width"),
        stop(1f, color(Color.WHITE)),
        stop(2f, color(Color.GRAY)),
        stop(3f, color(Color.GREEN))



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constructor(@NonNull operator: String, @Nullable arguments: Array<Expression>)
Creates an expression from its operator and varargs expressions.


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open class Array
Expression array type.
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class Converter
Converts a JsonArray or a raw expression to a Java expression.
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open class ExpressionLiteral : Expression, Expression.ValueExpression
ExpressionLiteral wraps an object to be used as a literal in an expression.
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open class FormatEntry
Holds format entries used in a format expression.
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open class FormatOption : Expression.Option
Holds format options used in a formatEntry that builds a format expression.
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Expression interpolator type.
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open class NumberFormatOption : Expression.Option
Holds format options used in a numberFormat expression.
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open class Stop
Expression stop type.


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open fun abs(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
open fun abs(expression: Expression): Expression
Returns the absolute value of the input.
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Gets the value of a cluster property accumulated so far.
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open fun acos(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
open fun acos(@NonNull number: Expression): Expression
Returns the arccosine of the input.
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open fun all(@NonNull input: Array<Expression>): Expression
Returns `true` if all the inputs are `true`, `false` otherwise.
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open fun any(@NonNull input: Array<Expression>): Expression
Returns `true` if any of the inputs are `true`, `false` otherwise.
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open fun array(@NonNull input: Expression): Expression
Asserts that the input is an array (optionally with a specific item type and length).
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open fun asin(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
open fun asin(@NonNull number: Expression): Expression
Returns the arcsine of the input.
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open fun at(@NonNull number: Number, @NonNull expression: Expression): Expression
open fun at(@NonNull number: Expression, @NonNull expression: Expression): Expression
Retrieves an item from an array.
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open fun atan(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
open fun atan(@NonNull number: Expression): Expression
Returns the arctangent of the input.
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open fun bool(@NonNull input: Array<Expression>): Expression
Asserts that the input value is a boolean.
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open fun ceil(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
open fun ceil(expression: Expression): Expression
Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the input.
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Evaluates each expression in turn until the first non-null value is obtained, and returns that value.
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open fun collator(caseSensitive: Boolean, diacriticSensitive: Boolean): Expression
open fun collator(caseSensitive: Expression, diacriticSensitive: Expression): Expression
open fun collator(caseSensitive: Boolean, diacriticSensitive: Boolean, locale: Locale): Expression
open fun collator(caseSensitive: Expression, diacriticSensitive: Expression, locale: Expression): Expression
Returns a collator for use in locale-dependent comparison operations.
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open fun color(@ColorInt color: Int): Expression
Expression literal utility method to convert a color int to an color expression Example usage:

FillLayer fillLayer = new FillLayer("layer-id", "source-id");
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open fun concat(@NonNull input: Array<String>): Expression
Returns a string consisting of the concatenation of the inputs.
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open fun cos(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
open fun cos(@NonNull number: Expression): Expression
Returns the cosine of the input.
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Interpolates using the cubic bezier curve defined by the given control points.
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open fun distance(@NonNull geoJson: GeoJson): Expression
Retrieves the shortest distance between two geometries.
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open fun division(@NonNull first: Number, @NonNull second: Number): Expression
open fun division(@NonNull first: Expression, @NonNull second: Expression): Expression
Returns the result of floating point division of the first input by the second.
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open fun downcase(@NonNull input: String): Expression
Returns the input string converted to lowercase.
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open fun e(): Expression
Returns the mathematical constant e.
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open fun eq(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, compareTwo: Boolean): Expression
open fun eq(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Number): Expression
open fun eq(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: String): Expression
open fun eq(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Expression): Expression
open fun eq(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: String, @NonNull collator: Expression): Expression
open fun eq(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Expression, @NonNull collator: Expression): Expression
Returns true if the input values are equal, false otherwise.
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open fun equals(@Nullable o: Any): Boolean
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
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Interpolates exponentially between the stops just less than and just greater than the input.
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open fun floor(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
open fun floor(expression: Expression): Expression
Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the input.
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Returns formatted text containing annotations for use in mixed-format text-field entries.
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Returns a format entry that can be used in format to create formatted text fields.
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Gets the feature's geometry type: Point, MultiPoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, MultiPolygon.
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open fun get(@NonNull input: String): Expression
open fun get(@NonNull input: Expression): Expression
Retrieves a property value from the current feature's properties, or from another object if a second argument is provided.
open fun get(@NonNull key: String, @NonNull object: Expression): Expression
open fun get(@NonNull key: Expression, @NonNull object: Expression): Expression
Retrieves a property value from another object.
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open fun gt(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Number): Expression
open fun gt(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: String): Expression
open fun gt(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Expression): Expression
open fun gt(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: String, @NonNull collator: Expression): Expression
open fun gt(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Expression, @NonNull collator: Expression): Expression
Returns true if the first input is strictly greater than the second, false otherwise.
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open fun gte(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Number): Expression
open fun gte(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: String): Expression
open fun gte(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Expression): Expression
open fun gte(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: String, @NonNull collator: Expression): Expression
open fun gte(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Expression, @NonNull collator: Expression): Expression
Returns true if the first input is greater than or equal to the second, false otherwise.
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open fun has(@NonNull key: String): Expression
open fun has(@NonNull key: Expression): Expression
Tests for the presence of an property value in the current feature's properties.
open fun has(@NonNull key: String, @NonNull object: Expression): Expression
open fun has(@NonNull key: Expression, @NonNull object: Expression): Expression
Tests for the presence of an property value from another object.
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open fun hashCode(): Int
Returns a hash code value for the expression.
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Gets the kernel density estimation of a pixel in a heatmap layer, which is a relative measure of how many data points are crowded around a particular pixel.
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open fun id(): Expression
Gets the feature's id, if it has one.
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open fun image(@NonNull input: Expression): Expression
Returns image expression for use in '*-pattern' and 'icon-image' layer properties.
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open fun in(@NonNull needle: Number, @NonNull haystack: Expression): Expression
open fun in(@NonNull needle: String, @NonNull haystack: Expression): Expression
open fun in(@NonNull needle: Expression, @NonNull haystack: Expression): Expression
Retrieves whether an item exists in an array or a substring exists in a string.
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open fun indexOf(@NonNull keyword: Expression, @NonNull input: Expression): Expression
open fun indexOf(@NonNull keyword: Expression, @NonNull input: Expression, @NonNull fromIndex: Expression): Expression
Returns the first position at which a `needle` can be found in a `haystack`.
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Produces continuous, smooth results by interpolating between pairs of input and output values (\"stops\").
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open fun isSupportedScript(expression: Expression): Expression
Returns true if the input string is expected to render legibly.
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open fun length(@NonNull input: String): Expression
open fun length(@NonNull expression: Expression): Expression
Gets the length of an array or string.
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open fun let(@Size(min = 1) input: Array<Expression>): Expression
Binds input to named variables, which can then be referenced in the result expression using var or var.
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interpolates linearly between the pair of stops just less than and just greater than the input.
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Gets the progress along a gradient line.
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open fun literal(bool: Boolean): Expression
Create a literal boolean expression.
open fun literal(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
Create a literal number expression.
open fun literal(@NonNull object: Any): Expression
Create a literal object expression.
open fun literal(@NonNull array: Array<Any>): Expression
Create a literal array expression
open fun literal(@NonNull string: String): Expression
Create a literal string expression.
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open fun ln(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
open fun ln(number: Expression): Expression
Returns the natural logarithm of the input.
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open fun ln2(): Expression
Returns mathematical constant ln(2).
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open fun log10(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
open fun log10(@NonNull number: Expression): Expression
Returns the base-ten logarithm of the input.
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open fun log2(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
open fun log2(@NonNull number: Expression): Expression
Returns the base-two logarithm of the input.
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open fun lt(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Number): Expression
open fun lt(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: String): Expression
open fun lt(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Expression): Expression
open fun lt(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: String, @NonNull collator: Expression): Expression
open fun lt(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Expression, @NonNull collator: Expression): Expression
Returns true if the first input is strictly less than the second, false otherwise.
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open fun lte(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Number): Expression
open fun lte(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: String): Expression
open fun lte(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Expression): Expression
open fun lte(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: String, @NonNull collator: Expression): Expression
open fun lte(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Expression, @NonNull collator: Expression): Expression
Returns true if the first input is less than or equal to the second, false otherwise.
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open fun match(@NonNull @Size(min = 2) input: Array<Expression>): Expression
open fun match(@NonNull input: Expression, @NonNull defaultOutput: Expression, @NonNull stops: Array<Expression.Stop>): Expression
Selects the output whose label value matches the input value, or the fallback value if no match is found.
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open fun max(@Size(min = 1) numbers: Array<Number>): Expression
open fun max(@Size(min = 1) numbers: Array<Expression>): Expression
Returns the maximum value of the inputs.
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open fun min(@Size(min = 1) numbers: Array<Number>): Expression
open fun min(@Size(min = 1) numbers: Array<Expression>): Expression
Returns the minimum value of the inputs.
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open fun mod(@NonNull first: Number, @NonNull second: Number): Expression
open fun mod(@NonNull first: Expression, @NonNull second: Expression): Expression
Returns the remainder after integer division of the first input by the second.
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open fun neq(compareOne: Expression, compareTwo: Boolean): Expression
Returns true if the input values are equal, false otherwise.
open fun neq(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Number): Expression
open fun neq(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: String): Expression
Returns `true` if the input values are not equal, `false` otherwise.
open fun neq(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Expression): Expression
open fun neq(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: String, @NonNull collator: Expression): Expression
open fun neq(@NonNull compareOne: Expression, @NonNull compareTwo: Expression, @NonNull collator: Expression): Expression
Returns true if the input values are not equal, false otherwise.
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open fun not(input: Boolean): Expression
open fun not(@NonNull input: Expression): Expression
Logical negation.
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Asserts that the input value is a number.
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Converts the input number into a string representation using the providing formatting rules.
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open fun object(@NonNull input: Expression): Expression
Asserts that the input value is an object.
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open fun pi(): Expression
Returns the mathematical constant pi.
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open fun pow(@NonNull first: Number, @NonNull second: Number): Expression
open fun pow(@NonNull first: Expression, @NonNull second: Expression): Expression
Returns the result of raising the first input to the power specified by the second.
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open fun product(@Size(min = 2) numbers: Array<Number>): Expression
open fun product(@Size(min = 2) numbers: Array<Expression>): Expression
Returns the product of the inputs.
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Gets the feature properties object.
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open fun raw(@NonNull rawExpression: String): Expression
Returns a DSL equivalent of a raw expression.
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open fun resolvedLocale(collator: Expression): Expression
Returns the IETF language tag of the locale being used by the provided collator.
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open fun rgb(@NonNull red: Number, @NonNull green: Number, @NonNull blue: Number): Expression
open fun rgb(@NonNull red: Expression, @NonNull green: Expression, @NonNull blue: Expression): Expression
Creates a color value from red, green, and blue components, which must range between 0 and 255, and an alpha component of 1.
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open fun rgba(@NonNull red: Number, @NonNull green: Number, @NonNull blue: Number, @NonNull alpha: Number): Expression
open fun rgba(@NonNull red: Expression, @NonNull green: Expression, @NonNull blue: Expression, @NonNull alpha: Expression): Expression
Creates a color value from red, green, blue components, which must range between 0 and 255, and an alpha component which must range between 0 and 1.
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open fun round(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
open fun round(expression: Expression): Expression
Rounds the input to the nearest integer.
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open fun sin(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
open fun sin(@NonNull number: Expression): Expression
Returns the sine of the input.
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open fun slice(@NonNull input: Expression, @NonNull fromIndex: Expression): Expression
Returns items from an array or a substring from a string from a specified start index.
open fun slice(@NonNull input: Expression, @NonNull fromIndex: Expression, @NonNull toIndex: Expression): Expression
Returns items from an array or a substring from a string between a start index and an end index if set.
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open fun sqrt(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
Returns the square root of the input Example usage:

CircleLayer circleLayer = new CircleLayer("layer-id", "source-id");
open fun sqrt(@NonNull number: Expression): Expression
Returns the square root of the input Example usage:

CircleLayer circleLayer = new CircleLayer("layer-id", "source-id");
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open fun step(@NonNull input: Number, @NonNull defaultOutput: Number, stops: Array<Expression>): Expression
open fun step(@NonNull input: Number, @NonNull defaultOutput: Number, stops: Array<Expression.Stop>): Expression
open fun step(@NonNull input: Number, @NonNull defaultOutput: Expression, stops: Array<Expression>): Expression
open fun step(@NonNull input: Number, @NonNull defaultOutput: Expression, stops: Array<Expression.Stop>): Expression
open fun step(@NonNull input: Expression, @NonNull defaultOutput: Number, stops: Array<Expression>): Expression
open fun step(@NonNull input: Expression, @NonNull defaultOutput: Number, stops: Array<Expression.Stop>): Expression
open fun step(@NonNull input: Expression, @NonNull defaultOutput: Expression, @NonNull stops: Array<Expression>): Expression
open fun step(@NonNull input: Expression, @NonNull defaultOutput: Expression, stops: Array<Expression.Stop>): Expression
Produces discrete, stepped results by evaluating a piecewise-constant function defined by pairs of input and output values (\"stops\").
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open fun stop(@NonNull stop: Any, @NonNull value: Any): Expression.Stop
Produces a stop value.
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Asserts that the input value is a string.
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open fun subtract(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
open fun subtract(@NonNull number: Expression): Expression
Returns the result of subtracting a number from 0.
open fun subtract(@NonNull first: Number, @NonNull second: Number): Expression
open fun subtract(@NonNull first: Expression, @NonNull second: Expression): Expression
Returns the result of subtracting the second input from the first.
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open fun sum(@Size(min = 2) numbers: Array<Number>): Expression
open fun sum(@Size(min = 2) numbers: Array<Expression>): Expression
Returns the sum of the inputs.
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open fun switchCase(@NonNull @Size(min = 1) input: Array<Expression>): Expression
Selects the first output whose corresponding test condition evaluates to true.
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open fun tan(@NonNull number: Number): Expression
open fun tan(@NonNull number: Expression): Expression
Returns the tangent of the input.
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open fun toArray(): Array<Any>
Converts the expression to Object array representation.
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open fun toBool(@NonNull input: Expression): Expression
Converts the input value to a boolean.
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open fun toColor(@NonNull input: Expression): Expression
Converts the input value to a color.
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Converts the input value to a number, if possible.
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open fun toRgba(@NonNull expression: Expression): Expression
Returns a four-element array containing the input color's red, green, blue, and alpha components, in that order.
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open fun toString(): String
Returns a string representation of the object that matches the definition set in the style specification.
Converts the input value to a string.
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open fun typeOf(@NonNull input: Expression): Expression
Returns a string describing the type of the given value.
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open fun upcase(@NonNull string: String): Expression
open fun upcase(@NonNull string: Expression): Expression
Returns the input string converted to uppercase.
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open fun var(@NonNull variableName: String): Expression
open fun var(@NonNull expression: Expression): Expression
References variable bound using let.
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open fun within(@NonNull polygon: Polygon): Expression
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open fun zoom(): Expression
Gets the current zoom level.