
A raster DEM source.

See also


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constructor(id: String?, url: URL)

Create the raster dem source from an URL

constructor(id: String?, uri: URI)

Create the raster dem source from an URI.

constructor(id: String?, uri: String?)

Create the raster dem source from an URI

constructor(id: String?, uri: String?, tileSize: Int)

Create the raster source from an URL with a specific tile size

constructor(id: String?, tileSet: TileSet)

Create the raster dem source from a TileSet

constructor(id: String?, tileSet: TileSet, tileSize: Int)

Create the raster source from a TileSet with a specific tile size


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object Companion


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val uri: String?

Get the source URI.

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val url: String?


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Retrieve the source attribution.

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open fun getId(): String

Retrieve the source id

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Retrieve current maximum overscale factor for parent tiles.

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Retrieve the minimum tile update interval, which is used to throttle the tile update network requests.

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Retrieve current pre-fetching zoom delta.

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Retrieve whether or not the fetched tiles for the given source should be stored in the local cache

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open fun setDetached()
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open fun setMaxOverscaleFactorForParentTiles(@Nullable maxOverscaleFactor: Int?)

When a set of tiles for a current zoom level is being rendered and some of the ideal tiles that cover the screen are not yet loaded, parent tile could be used instead. This might introduce unwanted rendering side-effects, especially for raster tiles that are overscaled multiple times. This method sets the maximum limit for how much a parent tile can be overscaled.

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Sets the minimum tile update interval, which is used to throttle the tile update network requests.

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open fun setPrefetchZoomDelta(@Nullable delta: Int?)

Set the tile pre-fetching zoom delta for current source. Pre-fetching makes sure that a low-resolution tile at the (current_zoom_level - delta) is rendered as soon as possible at the expense of a little bandwidth. If delta has not been set or set to null, it will use the value in MapLibreMap instance.

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open fun setVolatile(value: Boolean)

Set a flag defining whether or not the fetched tiles for the given source should be stored in the local cache