
open class FormattedSection

A component of the Formatted.


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constructor(@NonNull text: String)
Creates a formatted section.
constructor(@NonNull text: String, @Nullable fontScale: Number, @Nullable fontStack: Array<String>, @Nullable textColor: String)
Creates a formatted section.
constructor(@NonNull text: String, @Nullable fontScale: Number, @Nullable fontStack: Array<String>)
Creates a formatted section.
constructor(@NonNull text: String, @Nullable fontScale: Number)
Creates a formatted section.
constructor(@NonNull text: String, @Nullable fontStack: Array<String>)
Creates a formatted section.


Link copied to clipboard
open var fontScale: Number
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
open val text: String
Link copied to clipboard
open var textColor: String


Link copied to clipboard
open fun equals(o: Any): Boolean
Link copied to clipboard
open fun hashCode(): Int
Link copied to clipboard
open fun setTextColor(@ColorInt textColor: Int)
Set the text color.
Link copied to clipboard
open fun toString(): String