
Tile server options - baseUrl and similar properties


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constructor(baseURL: String, uriSchemeAlias: String, sourceTemplate: String, sourceDomainName: String, @Nullable sourceVersionPrefix: String, styleTemplate: String, styleDomainName: String, @Nullable styleVersionPrefix: String, spritesTemplate: String, spritesDomainName: String, @Nullable spritesVersionPrefix: String, glyphsTemplate: String, glyphsDomainName: String, @Nullable glyphsVersionPrefix: String, tileTemplate: String, tileDomainName: String, @Nullable tileVersionPrefix: String, apiKeyParameterName: String, apiKeyRequired: Boolean, defaultStyle: String, defaultStyles: Array<DefaultStyle>)
Construct a new TileServerOptions given string arguments


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open var baseURL: String
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Inner class responsible for recreating Parcels into objects.
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open fun describeContents(): Int
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.
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open fun writeToParcel(@NonNull out: Parcel, flags: Int)
Flatten this object in to a Parcel.