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<RasterSource />

RasterSource is a map content source that supplies raster image tiles to be shown on the map.
The location of and metadata about the tiles are defined either by an option dictionary
or by an external file that conforms to the TileJSON specification.


idstringMLRNModule.StyleSource.DefaultSourceIDfalseA string that uniquely identifies the source.
urlstringnonefalseA URL to a TileJSON configuration file describing the source’s contents and other metadata.
tileUrlTemplatesArraynonefalseAn array of tile URL templates. If multiple endpoints are specified, clients may use any combination of endpoints.
minZoomLevelnumbernonefalseAn unsigned integer that specifies the minimum zoom level at which to display tiles from the source.
The value should be between 0 and 22, inclusive, and less than
maxZoomLevel, if specified. The default value for this option is 0.
maxZoomLevelnumbernonefalseAn unsigned integer that specifies the maximum zoom level at which to display tiles from the source.
The value should be between 0 and 22, inclusive, and less than
minZoomLevel, if specified. The default value for this option is 22.
tileSizenumbernonefalseSize of the map tiles.
Mapbox urls default to 256, all others default to 512.
tmsbooleannonefalseInfluences the y direction of the tile coordinates. (tms inverts y axis)
attributionstringnonefalseAn HTML or literal text string defining the buttons to be displayed in an action sheet when the
source is part of a map view’s style and the map view’s attribution button is pressed.
childrenReactNodenonefalseFIX ME NO DESCRIPTION