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Migrating to v10

Remove setAccessToken(null)

Calling setAccessToken(null) is obsolete now. Vendor specific access tokens should be set via style or tile URLs, consult the corresponding provider docs if necessary.

- setAccessToken(null)

Changes to Camera Component

Default animationMode is now CameraMode.None

The default animationMode for a controlled Camera is now CameraMode.None. To reinstate previous behavior, change the following:

centerCoordinate={[0, 0]}
+ animationDuration={2000}
+ animationMode="easeTo"

Removed allowUpdates and triggerKey Props

If you need this functionality, keep your props stable or use the imperative setCamera.

centerCoordinate={[0, 0]}
- allowUpdates={false}
- triggerKey={someKey}

MapView props styleURL and styleJSON unified to mapStyle

The props styleURL and styleJSON, which control the style of the MapView, have been unified into a single mapStyle prop.


- styleURL="https://some-style-url"
+ mapStyle="https://some-style-url"


A style object is now expected as an object, without JSON.stringify.

- styleJSON={JSON.stringify(someStyleObject)}
+ mapStyle={someStyleObject}

Removed Style component

The Style component was redundant, as it's possible to pass a style object to the MapView directly.

- <MapView>
- <Style json={someStyleObject} />
- </MapView>
+ <MapView mapStyle={someStyleObject} />

Replaced OfflineProgressStatus with OfflinePackStatus

The two types have been unified. Simply replace OfflineProgressStatus with OfflinePackStatus.

Removed deprecated Methods, Props and Types

  • UserTrackingModes was removed, use UserTrackingMode instead
  • Removed setCamera from MapView, use imperative methods of Camera instead
  • Removed byId methods from ShapeSource
  • Removed children from SymbolSource
  • Removed assets key from Images
  • Removed deprecated event keys


These breaking changes will occur in the next major release.

Default Export

The default export is deprecated. Choose between named imports or namespace imports instead. Adopt these to ease the transition to the future major release.

Named Imports

- import MapLibreGL from "@maplibre/maplibre-react-native";
+ import { MapView } from "@maplibre/maplibre-react-native";

- <MapLibreGL.MapView />
+ <MapView />

Namespace Import

- import MapLibreGL from "@maplibre/maplibre-react-native";
+ import * as MapLibreRN from "@maplibre/maplibre-react-native";

- <MapLibreGL.MapView />
+ <MapLibreRN.MapView />

Any namespace can be chosen, but using MapLibreGL is not recommended anymore due to risk of confusion.

Module Exports

The camelCase module exports are deprecated, use PascalCase instead.

- import { locationManager, offlineManager, snapshotManager } from "@maplibre/maplibre-react-native";
+ import { LocationManager, OfflineManager, SnapshotManager } from "@maplibre/maplibre-react-native";