Running maplibre-rs demos on various platforms

During development, you will want to run the maplibre demos on your local machine to test out your changes. There are multiple demos of maplibre-rs for different targets. Some targets have prerequisites depending on your operating system.

  • maplibre-demo - targets Windows, macOS and Linux, it is built directly with cargo.
  • apple - targets iOS and macOS and relies on the xcode IDE.
  • android - targets Android devices and builds in Android Studio.
  • web - targets the web using a WASM binary.
  • maplibre-headless - TBD

All the targets below require you to install rustup to manage your Rust toolchain.

Note: Make sure you have selected the right toolchain target within rustup. You can use rustup show to see your active toolchain. If you want to change the target of the build manually, use the cargo --target parameter.



The build for desktop is very simple, you just have to run the following command from the root of the maplibre-rs project:

cargo run -p maplibre-demo


Windows has two additional prerequisites to be able to run. You will need CMake, Visual Studio C++ build tools and the sqlite3 library.

Install CMake and add it to your path environment variables.

For the C++ build tools, download the Visual Studio 2022 Build tools from the Microsoft website. After the download, while installing the Build tools, make sure that you select the C++ build tools.

To install sqlite3 you need to build the sqlite3.lib manually with the following steps. This will generate a .lib file that you will have to add to the SQLITE3_LIB_DIR environment variable.

Restart your shell to make sure you are using up-to-date environment variables.

Finally, the command below should execute successfully:

cargo run -p maplibre-demo


Start by installing the Android Studio IDE.

Make sure the NDK is installed. The Native Development Kit (NDK) is a set of tools that allows you to use C and C++ code with Android. You have to install manually the version that is used in ./android/gradle/lib/build.gradle.

ANDROID STUDIO -> tools -> SDK manager -> SDK tools -> tick show package details -> ndk (side by side)

Open the project within ./android/gradle and create a new virtual device with the device manager. Minimum SDK version should be 21. This was tested on an x86_64 emulator. Finally, run the demo configuration. It should open your virtual device and run the maplibre-rs Android demo on it. Alternatively you can also run it on your own Android device.

Note: If you are building for an x86 Android device, you probably need to install the following target using
rustup with the following command rustup target add i686-linux-android.

Note: Android is configured to support OpenGL ES 3.1 (This API specification is supported by Android 5.0 (API level 21) and higher). Your Android device is required to support OpenGL ES 3.1 at least. There are some issues here and here that discuss configuration of Android Studio for OpenGL ES 3.1 support in emulators.


Apple builds rely on the XCode IDE. Start by installing XCode and open the project within ./apple/xcode.

Cargo is used in to build the maplibre library in the build phases of the XCode project configuration.


You can use XCode to run on a iOS Simulator or a real device. Install a simulator in XCode. Version 9 is the minimum version supported theoretically.

Select the scheme called example (iOS) and click on run. This will start the iOS application.


As you might have seen in the maplibre-demo section, you can build Unix executables directly with Cargo. In order to build a proper macOS application (in OSX terminology) you have to use the ./apple/xcode project.

Open the project from the folder ./apple/xcode with XCode. Select the scheme called example (macOS) and click on run. This will start the macOS application.

The minimum target OSX version for the macOS build is defined inside Build settings -> Deployment -> macOS deployment target. If you are using a lower version of OSX, you will not be able to run the application on your computer.

Web (WebGL, WebGPU)

You need to first build the library for WebGL or WebGPU. Optionally, you can also enabled multi-threading support, which requires that the library is used in a secure environment: isSecureContext and crossOriginIsolated. The demo runs this such an environment.

If you have a browser which already supports a recent version of the WebGPU specification then you can build the library with WebGPU:

just web-lib build # WebGPU

If not, then you must enable WebGL support:

just web-lib build --webgl # WebGL
just web-lib build --webgl --multithreaded # WebGL + multithreaded

Instead of building it is also possible to watch for changes. The same flags as with web-lib build are supported:

just web-lib watch --webgl

After building the library you can run the demo server:

just web-demo start