A geocoder component that works with maplibre



  • Parameters

    • e: any

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • e: any

    Returns void | "none"

  • Parameters

    • e: any

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • msg: any

    Returns void

  • Add the geocoder to a container. The container can be either a Map, an HTMLElement or a CSS selector string.

    If the container is a Map, this function will behave identically to Map.addControl(geocoder). If the container is an instance of HTMLElement, then the geocoder will be appended as a child of that HTMLElement. If the container is a CSS selector string, the geocoder will be appended to the element returned from the query.

    This function will throw an error if the container is none of the above. It will also throw an error if the referenced HTML element cannot be found in the document.body.

    For example, if the HTML body contains the element <div id='geocoder-container'></div>, the following script will append the geocoder to #geocoder-container:


    • container: string | Map$1 | HTMLElement

      A reference to the container to which to add the geocoder

    Returns void

    const GeoApi = {
    forwardGeocode: (config) => { return { features: [] } },
    reverseGeocode: (config) => { return { features: [] } }
    const geocoder = new MaplibreGeocoder(GeoAPI, {});
  • Clear and then focus the input.


    • Optionalev: Event

      the event that triggered the clear, if available

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • name: string
    • path: string

    Returns SVGSVGElement

  • Get the bounding box used by the plugin

    Returns number[]

    the bounding box, if any

  • Get a list of the countries to limit search results to

    Returns string

    a comma separated list of countries to limit to, if any

  • Get the parameters used to fly to the selected response, if any

    Returns boolean | FlyToOptions

    The flyTo option

  • Get the language to use in UI elements and when making search requests

    Returns string

    The language(s) used by the plugin, if any

  • Get the limit value for the number of results to display used by the plugin

    Returns number

    The limit value for the number of results to display used by the plugin

  • Get the minimum number of characters typed to trigger results used in the plugin

    Returns number

    The minimum length in characters before a search is triggered

  • Get the value of the placeholder string

    Returns string

    The input element's placeholder value

  • Get proximity

    Returns {
        latitude: number;
        longitude: number;

    The geocoder proximity

    • latitude: number
    • longitude: number
  • Get a list of the types to limit search results to

    Returns string

    a comma separated list of types to limit to

  • Get the zoom level the map will move to when there is no bounding box on the selected result

    Returns number

    the map zoom

  • Remove an event


    • type: string

      Event name.

    • fn: ((e: any) => void)

      Function that should unsubscribe to the event emitted.

        • (e): void
        • Parameters

          • e: any

          Returns void

    Returns this

  • Subscribe to events that happen within the plugin.


    • type: string

      name of event. Available events and the data passed into their respective event objects are:

      • clear Emitted when the input is cleared
      • loading { query } Emitted when the geocoder is looking up a query
      • results { results } Fired when the geocoder returns a response
      • result { result } Fired when input is set
      • error { error } Error as string
    • fn: ((e: any) => void)

      function that's called when the event is emitted.

        • (e): void
        • Parameters

          • e: any

          Returns void

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    • Optionalmap: Map$1

    Returns HTMLElement

  • Subscribe to events that happen within the plugin only once.


    • type: string

      Event name. Available events and the data passed into their respective event objects are:

      • clear Emitted when the input is cleared
      • loading { query } Emitted when the geocoder is looking up a query
      • results { results } Fired when the geocoder returns a response
      • result { result } Fired when input is set
      • error { error } Error as string

    Returns Promise<any>

    a Promise that resolves when the event is emitted.

  • Set & query the input


    • searchInput: string

      location name or other search input

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Set the bounding box to limit search results to


    • bbox: [number, number, number, number]

      a bounding box given as an array in the format [minX, minY, maxX, maxY].

    Returns this

  • Set the countries to limit search results to


    • countries: string

      a comma separated list of countries to limit to

    Returns this

  • Set the filter function used by the plugin.


    • filter: ((feature: CarmenGeojsonFeature) => boolean)

      A function which accepts a CarmenGeojsonFeature to filter out results from the Geocoding API response before they are included in the suggestions list. Return true to keep the item, false otherwise.

    Returns this

  • Set the flyTo options


    • flyTo: boolean | FlyToOptions

      If false, animating the map to a selected result is disabled. If true, animating the map will use the default animation parameters. If an object, it will be passed as options to the map flyTo or fitBounds method providing control over the animation of the transition.

    Returns this

  • Set input


    • searchInput: string

      location name or other search input

    Returns this

  • Get the language to use in UI elements and when making search requests

    Look first at the explicitly set options otherwise use the browser's language settings


    • Optionallanguage: string

      Specify the language to use for response text and query result weighting. Options are IETF language tags comprised of a mandatory ISO 639-1 language code and optionally one or more IETF subtags for country or script. More than one value can also be specified, separated by commas.

    Returns this

  • Set the limit value for the number of results to display used by the plugin


    • limit: number

      the number of search results to return

    Returns this

  • Set the minimum number of characters typed to trigger results used by the plugin


    • minLength: number

      the minimum length in characters

    Returns this

  • Set the value of the input element's placeholder


    • Optionalplaceholder: string

      the text to use as the input element's placeholder

    Returns this

  • Set proximity


    • proximity: {
          latitude: number;
          longitude: number;

      The new options.proximity value. This is a geographical point given as an object with latitude and longitude properties.

      • latitude: number
      • longitude: number

    Returns this

  • Set the render function used in the results dropdown


    Returns this

  • Set the types to limit search results to


    • types: string

      a comma separated list of types to limit to

    Returns this

  • Set the zoom level


    • zoom: number

      The zoom level that the map should animate to when a bbox isn't found in the response. If a bbox is found the map will fit to the bbox.

    Returns this
