MapLibre Native for Qt
No Matches
QMapLibre Namespace Reference


struct  CameraOptions
 Camera options helper type. More...
class  CustomLayerHostInterface
struct  CustomLayerRenderParameters
struct  Feature
 Map feature helper type. More...
struct  FeatureProperty
 Map feature property helper type. More...
struct  FillAnnotation
 Fill annotation helper type. More...
class  GLWidget
 A simple OpenGL widget that displays a QMapLibre::Map. More...
class  LayerParameter
 A helper utility to create and configure map layers in the Map. More...
struct  LineAnnotation
 Line annotation helper type. More...
class  Map
 The Map class is a Qt wrapper for the MapLibre Native engine. More...
class  Settings
 The Settings class stores the initial configuration for Map. More...
struct  ShapeAnnotationGeometry
 Shape annotation geometry helper type. More...
class  SourceParameter
 A helper utility to create an additional map data source in the Map. More...
struct  Style
 Map style helper type. More...
class  StyleParameter
 A base class to pass style parameters to Map. More...
struct  SymbolAnnotation
 Symbol annotation helper type. More...


using Coordinate = QPair<double, double>
 Coordinate helper type.
using CoordinateZoom = QPair<Coordinate, double>
 Coordinate-zoom pair helper type.
using ProjectedMeters = QPair<double, double>
 Projected meters helper type.
using Coordinates = QVector<Coordinate>
 Coordinate vector.
using CoordinatesCollection = QVector<Coordinates>
 Coordinates vector.
using CoordinatesCollections = QVector<CoordinatesCollection>
 CoordinatesCollection vector.
using Styles = QVector<Style>
 Style vector.
using Annotation = QVariant
 Annotation helper type.
using AnnotationID = quint32
 Annotation identifier helper type.
using AnnotationIDs = QVector<AnnotationID>
 A vector of annotation identifiers.


enum  NetworkMode { Online , Offline }


NetworkMode networkMode ()
void setNetworkMode (NetworkMode mode)
double metersPerPixelAtLatitude (double latitude, double zoom)
ProjectedMeters projectedMetersForCoordinate (const Coordinate &coordinate)
Coordinate coordinateForProjectedMeters (const ProjectedMeters &projectedMeters)

Detailed Description

Contains miscellaneous MapLibre types and utilities used throughout MapLibre Qt bindings.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Annotation

using QMapLibre::Annotation = QVariant

Annotation helper type.

Alias for QVariant. Container that encapsulates either a symbol, a line, a fill or a style sourced annotation.

◆ AnnotationID

using QMapLibre::AnnotationID = quint32

Annotation identifier helper type.

Alias for quint32 representing an annotation identifier.

◆ AnnotationIDs

A vector of annotation identifiers.

Alias for QVector< quint32 > representing a container of annotation identifiers.

◆ Coordinate

using QMapLibre::Coordinate = QPair<double, double>

Coordinate helper type.

Alias for QPair< double, double >. Representation for geographical coordinates - latitude and longitude, respectively.

◆ Coordinates

Coordinate vector.

Alias for QVector< Coordinate >. A list of Coordinate objects.

◆ CoordinatesCollection

Coordinates vector.

Alias for QVector< Coordinates >. A list of Coordinates objects.

◆ CoordinatesCollections

◆ CoordinateZoom

using QMapLibre::CoordinateZoom = QPair<Coordinate, double>

Coordinate-zoom pair helper type.

Alias for QPair< Coordinate , double>. Used as return value in Map::coordinateZoomForBounds.

◆ ProjectedMeters

using QMapLibre::ProjectedMeters = QPair<double, double>

Projected meters helper type.

Alias for QPair< double, double >. Representation for projected meters - northing and easting, respectively.

◆ Styles

using QMapLibre::Styles = QVector<Style>

Style vector.

Alias for QVector< Style >. A list of Style objects.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ NetworkMode

This enum represents whether server requests can be performed via network.


Server network requests are accessible.


Only requests to the local cache are accessible.

Function Documentation

◆ coordinateForProjectedMeters()

Coordinate QMapLibre::coordinateForProjectedMeters ( const ProjectedMeters & projectedMeters)

Returns the Coordinate for a given projectedMeters object.

◆ metersPerPixelAtLatitude()

double QMapLibre::metersPerPixelAtLatitude ( double latitude,
double zoom )

Returns the amount of meters per pixel from a given latitude and zoom.

◆ networkMode()

NetworkMode QMapLibre::networkMode ( )

Returns the current NetworkMode.

◆ projectedMetersForCoordinate()

ProjectedMeters QMapLibre::projectedMetersForCoordinate ( const Coordinate & coordinate)

Returns the projected meters for a given coordinate object.

◆ setNetworkMode()

void QMapLibre::setNetworkMode ( NetworkMode mode)

Forwards the network status mode to MapLibre Native engine.

File source requests uses the available network when mode is set to Online, otherwise scoped to the local cache.