Polygon Options
As of 7.0.0, use MapLibre Annotation Plugin instead
Builder for composing Polygon objects.
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Adds a vertex to the outline of the polygon being built.
Adds vertices to the outline of the polygon being built.
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Adds holes to the outline of the polygon being built.
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Set the alpha value of the polyline.
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Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.
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Compares this PolygonOptions object with another PolygonOptions and determines if their color, alpha, stroke color, and vertices match.
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Specifies the polygon's fill color, as 32-bit ARGB.
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Gets the alpha set for this PolygonOptions object.
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Gets the fill color set for this PolygonOptions object.
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Gets the stroke color set for this PolygonOptions object.
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Specifies the polygon's stroke color, as 32-bit ARGB.
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Flatten this object in to a Parcel.