
open class Builder

Builder for composing a style object.


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open class ImageWrapper
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open inner class LayerWrapper


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open fun fromJson(@NonNull styleJson: String): Style.Builder
Will load a new map style from a json string.
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Will loads a new map style asynchronous from the specified URI.
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Will loads a new map style asynchronous from the specified URL.
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open fun getJson(): String
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open fun getUri(): String
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Will add the images when the map style has loaded.
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Will add the drawables as images when the map style has loaded.
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open fun withImage(@NonNull id: String, @NonNull image: Bitmap, sdf: Boolean, @NonNull stretchX: List<ImageStretches>, @NonNull stretchY: List<ImageStretches>, @Nullable content: ImageContent): Style.Builder
Will add the image when the map style has loaded.
open fun withImage(@NonNull id: String, @NonNull drawable: Drawable, sdf: Boolean): Style.Builder
open fun withImage(@NonNull id: String, @NonNull drawable: Drawable, sdf: Boolean, @NonNull stretchX: List<ImageStretches>, @NonNull stretchY: List<ImageStretches>, @Nullable content: ImageContent): Style.Builder
Will add the drawable as image when the map style has loaded.
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Will add the layer when the style has loaded.
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open fun withLayerAbove(@NonNull layer: Layer, @NonNull aboveLayerId: String): Style.Builder
Will add the layer when the style has loaded above a specified layer id.
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open fun withLayerAt(@NonNull layer: Layer, index: Int): Style.Builder
Will add the layer when the style has loaded at a specified index.
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open fun withLayerBelow(@NonNull layer: Layer, @NonNull belowLayerId: String): Style.Builder
Will add the layer when the style has loaded below a specified layer id.
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Will add the layers when the style has loaded.
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Will add the source when map style has loaded.
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Will add the sources when map style has loaded.
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Will add the transition when the map style has loaded.