
open class Style

The proxy object for current map style.

To create new instances of this object, create a new instance using a Builder and load the style with MapLibreMap. This object is returned from getStyle once the style has been loaded by underlying map.


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open class Builder
Builder for composing a style object.
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interface OnStyleLoaded
Callback to be invoked when a style has finished loading.


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open fun addImage(@NonNull name: String, @NonNull image: Bitmap)
open fun addImage(@NonNull name: String, @NonNull bitmap: Bitmap, sdf: Boolean)
open fun addImage(@NonNull name: String, @NonNull image: Bitmap, @NonNull stretchX: List<ImageStretches>, @NonNull stretchY: List<ImageStretches>, @Nullable content: ImageContent)
open fun addImage(@NonNull name: String, @NonNull bitmap: Bitmap, sdf: Boolean, @NonNull stretchX: List<ImageStretches>, @NonNull stretchY: List<ImageStretches>, @Nullable content: ImageContent)
Adds an image to be used in the map's style
open fun addImage(@NonNull name: String, @NonNull drawable: Drawable)
open fun addImage(@NonNull name: String, @NonNull drawable: Drawable, @NonNull stretchX: List<ImageStretches>, @NonNull stretchY: List<ImageStretches>, @Nullable content: ImageContent)
Adds an drawable to be converted into a bitmap to be used in the map's style
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open fun addImageAsync(@NonNull name: String, @NonNull image: Bitmap)
open fun addImageAsync(@NonNull name: String, @NonNull bitmap: Bitmap, sdf: Boolean)
open fun addImageAsync(@NonNull name: String, @NonNull image: Bitmap, @NonNull stretchX: List<ImageStretches>, @NonNull stretchY: List<ImageStretches>, @Nullable content: ImageContent)
open fun addImageAsync(@NonNull name: String, @NonNull bitmap: Bitmap, sdf: Boolean, @NonNull stretchX: List<ImageStretches>, @NonNull stretchY: List<ImageStretches>, @Nullable content: ImageContent)
Adds an image asynchronously, to be used in the map's style.
open fun addImageAsync(@NonNull name: String, @NonNull drawable: Drawable)
open fun addImageAsync(@NonNull name: String, @NonNull drawable: Drawable, @NonNull stretchX: List<ImageStretches>, @NonNull stretchY: List<ImageStretches>, @Nullable content: ImageContent)
Adds an drawable asynchronously, to be converted into a bitmap to be used in the map's style.
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open fun addImages(@NonNull images: HashMap<String, Bitmap>)
open fun addImages(@NonNull images: HashMap<String, Bitmap>, sdf: Boolean)
open fun addImages(@NonNull images: HashMap<String, Bitmap>, @NonNull stretchX: List<ImageStretches>, @NonNull stretchY: List<ImageStretches>, @Nullable content: ImageContent)
open fun addImages(@NonNull images: HashMap<String, Bitmap>, sdf: Boolean, @NonNull stretchX: List<ImageStretches>, @NonNull stretchY: List<ImageStretches>, @Nullable content: ImageContent)
Adds images to be used in the map's style.
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open fun addImagesAsync(@NonNull images: HashMap<String, Bitmap>, sdf: Boolean)
open fun addImagesAsync(@NonNull images: HashMap<String, Bitmap>, @NonNull stretchX: List<ImageStretches>, @NonNull stretchY: List<ImageStretches>, @Nullable content: ImageContent)
open fun addImagesAsync(@NonNull images: HashMap<String, Bitmap>, sdf: Boolean, @NonNull stretchX: List<ImageStretches>, @NonNull stretchY: List<ImageStretches>, @Nullable content: ImageContent)
Adds images asynchronously, to be used in the map's style.
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open fun addLayer(@NonNull layer: Layer)
Adds the layer to the map.
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open fun addLayerAbove(@NonNull layer: Layer, @NonNull above: String)
Adds the layer to the map.
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open fun addLayerAt(@NonNull layer: Layer, @IntRange(from = 0) index: Int)
Adds the layer to the map at the specified index.
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open fun addLayerBelow(@NonNull layer: Layer, @NonNull below: String)
Adds the layer to the map.
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open fun addSource(@NonNull source: Source)
Adds the source to the map.
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Get an image from the map's style using an id.
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open fun getJson(): String
Returns the current style json.
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Get the layer by id
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open fun <T : Layer?> getLayerAs(@NonNull layerId: String): T
Tries to cast the Layer to T, throws ClassCastException if it's another type.
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Retrieve all the layers in the style
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open fun getLight(): Light
Get the light source used to change lighting conditions on extruded fill layers.
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Get predefined style by name
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Get predefined styles
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Retrieve a source by id
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open fun <T : Source?> getSourceAs(@NonNull sourceId: String): T
Tries to cast the Source to T, throws ClassCastException if it's another type.
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Retrieve all the sources in the style
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Get the transition options for style changes.
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open fun getUri(): String
Returns the current style uri.
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open fun getUrl(): String
Returns the current style url.
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Returns true if the style is fully loaded.
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open fun removeImage(@NonNull name: String)
Removes an image from the map's style.
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open fun removeLayer(@NonNull layerId: String): Boolean
open fun removeLayer(@NonNull layer: Layer): Boolean
Removes the layer.
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open fun removeLayerAt(@IntRange(from = 0) index: Int): Boolean
Removes the layer.
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open fun removeSource(@NonNull sourceId: String): Boolean
Removes the source from the style.
open fun removeSource(@NonNull source: Source): Boolean
Removes the source, preserving the reference for re-use
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open fun setTransition(@NonNull transitionOptions: TransitionOptions)
Set the transition options for style changes.
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open fun toImage(imageWrapper: Style.Builder.ImageWrapper): Image