
A heatmap.

See also

<a href="https://maplibre.org/maplibre-style-spec/#layers-heatmap">The online documentation</a>


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constructor(layerId: String, sourceId: String)
Creates a HeatmapLayer.


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open val nativePtr: Long


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Get a single expression filter.
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Get the HeatmapColor property
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Defines the color of each pixel based on its density value in a heatmap.
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Get the HeatmapIntensity property
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Get the HeatmapIntensity property transition options
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Get the HeatmapOpacity property
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Get the HeatmapOpacity property transition options
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Get the HeatmapRadius property
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Get the HeatmapRadius property transition options
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Get the HeatmapWeight property
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open fun getId(): String
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open fun getMaxZoom(): Float
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open fun getMinZoom(): Float
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Get the source id.
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Get the source layer.
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open fun isDetached(): Boolean
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open fun setDetached()
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open fun setFilter(@NonNull filter: Expression)
Set a single expression filter.
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Set the HeatmapIntensity property transition options
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Set the HeatmapOpacity property transition options
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Set the HeatmapRadius property transition options
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open fun setMaxZoom(zoom: Float)
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open fun setMinZoom(zoom: Float)
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open fun setProperties(@NonNull properties: Array<PropertyValue<out Any>>)
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open fun setSourceLayer(sourceLayer: String)
Set the source layer.
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Set a single expression filter.
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Set a property or properties.
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open fun withSourceLayer(sourceLayer: String): HeatmapLayer
Set the source Layer.