
Clone Martin, setting remote name to upstream. This way main branch will be updated automatically with the latest changes from the upstream repo.

git clone -o upstream
cd martin

Fork Martin repo into your own GitHub account, and add your fork as a remote

git remote add origin  _URL_OF_YOUR_FORK_

Install docker and docker-compose

# Ubuntu-based distros have an older version that might also work:
sudo apt install -y docker-compose

Install a few required libs and tools:

# For Ubuntu-based distros
sudo apt install -y  build-essential pkg-config jq file

Install Just (improved makefile processor). Note that some Linux and Homebrew distros have outdated versions of Just, so you should install it from source:

cargo install just --locked

When developing MBTiles SQL code, you may need to use just prepare-sqlite whenever SQL queries are modified. Run just to see all available commands.