MBTiles information and metadata


Use mbtiles summary to get a summary of the contents of an MBTiles file. The command will print a table with the number of tiles per zoom level, the size of the smallest and largest tiles, and the average size of tiles at each zoom level. The command will also print the bounding box of the covered area per zoom level.

MBTiles file summary for tests/fixtures/mbtiles/world_cities.mbtiles
Schema: flat
File size: 48.00KiB
Page size: 4.00KiB
Page count: 12

 Zoom |   Count   | Smallest  |  Largest  |  Average  | Bounding Box
    0 |         1 |    1.0KiB |    1.0KiB |    1.0KiB | -180,-85,180,85
    1 |         4 |      160B |      650B |      366B | -180,-85,180,85
    2 |         7 |      137B |      495B |      239B | -180,-67,180,67
    3 |        17 |       67B |      246B |      134B | -135,-41,180,67
    4 |        38 |       64B |      175B |       86B | -135,-41,180,67
    5 |        57 |       64B |      107B |       72B | -124,-41,180,62
    6 |        72 |       64B |       97B |       68B | -124,-41,180,62
  all |       196 |       64B |    1.0KiB |       96B | -180,-85,180,85


Print all metadata values to stdout, as well as the results of tile detection. The format of the values printed is not stable, and should only be used for visual inspection.

mbtiles meta-all my_file.mbtiles


Retrieve raw metadata value by its name. The value is printed to stdout without any modifications. For example, to get the description value from an mbtiles file:

mbtiles meta-get my_file.mbtiles description


Set metadata value by its name, or delete the key if no value is supplied. For example, to set the description value to A vector tile dataset:

mbtiles meta-set my_file.mbtiles description "A vector tile dataset"