Martin Endpoints

Martin data is available via the HTTP GET endpoints:

/Web UI
/catalogList of all sources
/{sourceID}Source TileJSON
/{sourceID}/{z}/{x}/{y}Map Tiles
/{source1},…,{sourceN}Composite Source TileJSON
/{source1},…,{sourceN}/{z}/{x}/{y}Composite Source Tiles
/sprite/{spriteID}[@2x].{json,png}Sprite sources
/sdf_sprite/{spriteID}[@2x].{json,png}SDF Sprite sources
/font/{font}/{start}-{end}Font source
/font/{font1},…,{fontN}/{start}-{end}Composite Font source
/healthMartin server health check: returns 200 OK

Duplicate Source ID

In case there is more than one source that has the same name, e.g. a PG function is available in two schemas/connections, or a table has more than one geometry columns, sources will be assigned unique IDs such as /points, /points.1, etc.

Reserved Source IDs

Some source IDs are reserved for internal use. If you try to use them, they will be automatically renamed to a unique ID the same way as duplicate source IDs are handled, e.g. a catalog source will become catalog.1.

Some of the reserved IDs: _, catalog, config, font, health, help, index, manifest, metrics, refresh, reload, sprite, status.


A list of all available sources is available via catalogue endpoint:

curl localhost:3000/catalog | jq
{ "tiles" { "function_zxy_query": { "name": "public.function_zxy_query", "content_type": "application/x-protobuf" }, "points1": { "name": "public.points1.geom", "content_type": "image/webp" }, ... }, "sprites": { "cool_icons": { "images": [ "bicycle", "bear", ] }, ... }, "fonts": { "Noto Mono Regular": { "family": "Noto Mono", "style": "Regular", "glyphs": 875, "start": 0, "end": 65533 }, ... } }

Source TileJSON

All tile sources have a TileJSON endpoint available at the /{SourceID}.

For example, a points function or a table will be available as /points. Composite source combining points and lines sources will be available at /points,lines endpoint.

curl localhost:3000/points | jq curl localhost:3000/points,lines | jq