Command-line Interface

You can configure Martin using command-line interface. See martin --help or cargo run -- --help for more information.

Usage: martin [OPTIONS] [CONNECTION]...

          Connection strings, e.g. postgres://... or /path/to/files

  -c, --config <CONFIG>
          Path to config file. If set, no tile source-related parameters are allowed

      --save-config <SAVE_CONFIG>
          Save resulting config to a file or use "-" to print to stdout. By default, only print if sources are auto-detected

  -C, --cache-size <CACHE_SIZE>
          Main cache size (in MB)

  -s, --sprite <SPRITE>
          Export a directory with SVG files as a sprite source. Can be specified multiple times

  -f, --font <FONT>
          Export a font file or a directory with font files as a font source (recursive). Can be specified multiple times

  -k, --keep-alive <KEEP_ALIVE>
          Connection keep alive timeout. [DEFAULT: 75]

  -l, --listen-addresses <LISTEN_ADDRESSES>
          The socket address to bind. [DEFAULT:]

      --base-path <BASE_PATH>
          Set TileJSON URL path prefix. This overrides the default of respecting the X-Rewrite-URL header.
          Only modifies the JSON (TileJSON) returned, martins' API-URLs remain unchanged. If you need to rewrite URLs, please use a reverse proxy.
          Must begin with a `/`.
          Examples: `/`, `/tiles`

  -W, --workers <WORKERS>
          Number of web server workers

      --preferred-encoding <PREFERRED_ENCODING>
          Martin server preferred tile encoding. If the client accepts multiple compression formats, and the tile source is not pre-compressed, which compression should be used. `gzip` is faster, but `brotli` is smaller, and may be faster with caching.  Defaults to gzip

          [possible values: brotli, gzip]

  -u, --webui <WEB_UI>
          Control Martin web UI.  Disabled by default

          Possible values:
          - disable:        Disable Web UI interface. This is the default, but once implemented, the default will be enabled for localhost
          - enable-for-all: Enable Web UI interface on all connections

  -b, --auto-bounds <AUTO_BOUNDS>
          Specify how bounds should be computed for the spatial PG tables. [DEFAULT: quick]

          Possible values:
          - quick: Compute table geometry bounds, but abort if it takes longer than 5 seconds
          - calc:  Compute table geometry bounds. The startup time may be significant. Make sure all GEO columns have indexes
          - skip:  Skip bounds calculation. The bounds will be set to the whole world

      --ca-root-file <CA_ROOT_FILE>
          Loads trusted root certificates from a file. The file should contain a sequence of PEM-formatted CA certificates

  -d, --default-srid <DEFAULT_SRID>
          If a spatial PG table has SRID 0, then this default SRID will be used as a fallback

  -p, --pool-size <POOL_SIZE>
          Maximum Postgres connections pool size [DEFAULT: 20]

  -m, --max-feature-count <MAX_FEATURE_COUNT>
          Limit the number of features in a tile from a PG table source

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version