
The general class to interact with in the Android MapLibre SDK. It exposes the entry point for all methods related to the MapView. You cannot instantiate MapLibreMap object directly, rather, you must obtain one from the getMapAsync() method on a MapFragment or MapView that you have added to your application.

Note: Similar to a View object, a MapLibreMap should only be read and modified from the main thread.


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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a task is complete or cancelled.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an info window will be shown.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked for when camera movement has ended.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked for when the camera's motion has been stopped or when the camera starts moving for a new reason.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked for when the camera changes position.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked for when the camera motion starts.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked for when the compass is animating.
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Internal use.
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interface OnFlingListener
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the map is flinged.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a frame is rendered to the map view.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the user clicks on an info window.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a marker's info window is closed.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the user long presses on a marker's info window.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the user clicks on the map view.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the user long clicks on the map view.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the user clicks on a marker.
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interface OnMoveListener
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the map is moved.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the user clicks on a polygon.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the user clicks on a polyline.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the map is rotated.
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interface OnScaleListener
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the map is scaled.
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interface OnShoveListener
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the map is tilted.
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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the snapshot has been taken.


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open fun addMarker(@NonNull markerOptions: BaseMarkerOptions): Marker
open fun addMarker(@NonNull markerOptions: MarkerOptions): Marker
Adds a marker to this map.
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open fun addMarkers(@NonNull markerOptionsList: List<out BaseMarkerOptions>): List<Marker>
Adds multiple markers to this map.
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Adds a callback that is invoked when camera movement has ended.
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Adds a callback that is invoked when camera movement was cancelled.
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Adds a callback that is invoked when camera position changes.
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Adds a callback that is invoked when camera movement has started.
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Adds a callback that's invoked when the map is flinged.
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Adds a callback that's invoked when the user clicks on the map view.
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Adds a callback that's invoked when the user long clicks on the map view.
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Adds a callback that's invoked when the map is moved.
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Adds a callback that's invoked when the map is rotated.
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Adds a callback that's invoked when the map is scaled.
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Adds a callback that's invoked when the map is tilted.
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open fun addPolygon(@NonNull polygonOptions: PolygonOptions): Polygon
Adds a polygon to this map.
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open fun addPolygons(@NonNull polygonOptionsList: List<PolygonOptions>): List<Polygon>
Adds multiple polygons to this map.
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open fun addPolyline(@NonNull polylineOptions: PolylineOptions): Polyline
Adds a polyline to this map.
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open fun addPolylines(@NonNull polylineOptionsList: List<PolylineOptions>): List<Polyline>
Adds multiple polylines to this map.
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fun animateCamera(@NonNull update: CameraUpdate, durationMs: Int)
Animate the camera to a new location defined within CameraUpdate using a transition animation that evokes powered flight.
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Interrupts any ongoing gesture velocity animations.
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Cancels ongoing animations.
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open fun clear()
Removes all markers, polylines, polygons, overlays, etc from the map.
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Cycles through the map debug options.
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open fun deselectMarker(@NonNull marker: Marker)
Deselects a currently selected marker.
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open fun deselectMarkers()
Deselects any currently selected marker.
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Gradually move the camera by the default duration, zoom will not be affected unless specified within CameraUpdate.
fun easeCamera(@NonNull update: CameraUpdate, durationMs: Int)
fun easeCamera(@NonNull update: CameraUpdate, durationMs: Int, easingInterpolator: Boolean)
fun easeCamera(@NonNull update: CameraUpdate, durationMs: Int, easingInterpolator: Boolean, @Nullable callback: MapLibreMap.CancelableCallback)
Gradually move the camera by a specified duration in milliseconds, zoom will not be affected unless specified within CameraUpdate.
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Return a annotation based on its id.
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Returns a list of all the annotations on the map.
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open fun getCameraForGeometry(@NonNull geometry: Geometry): CameraPosition
Get a camera position that fits a provided shape.
open fun getCameraForGeometry(@NonNull geometry: Geometry, @NonNull @Size(value = 4) padding: Array<Int>): CameraPosition
Get a camera position that fits a provided shape and padding.
Get a camera position that fits a provided shape with a given bearing and tilt.
Get a camera position that fits a provided shape with a given padding, bearing and tilt.
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Get a camera position that fits a provided bounds and the current camera tilt and bearing.
open fun getCameraForLatLngBounds(@NonNull latLngBounds: LatLngBounds, @NonNull @Size(value = 4) padding: Array<Int>): CameraPosition
Get a camera position that fits a provided bounds and padding and the current camera tilt and bearing.
Get a camera position that fits a provided bounds, bearing and tilt.
Get a camera position that fits a provided bounds, padding, bearing and tilt.
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Gets the current position of the camera.
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open fun getGesturesManager(): AndroidGesturesManager
Get current AndroidGesturesManager that handles android.view.MotionEvents registered by the MapView
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open fun getHeight(): Float
Returns the measured height of the Map.
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Gets the callback to be invoked when an info window will be shown.
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Returns a list of all the markers on the map.
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open fun getMaxPitch(): Double
Gets the maximum Pitch the map can be displayed at.
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Gets the maximum zoom level the map can be displayed at.
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open fun getMinPitch(): Double
Gets the minimum Pitch the map can be displayed at.
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Gets the minimum zoom level the map can be displayed at.
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Return the InfoWindow click listener
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Return the InfoWindow close listener
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Return the InfoWindow long click listener
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Returns the current configured content padding on map view.
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Returns a list of all the polygons on the map.
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Returns a list of all the polylines on the map.
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Check whether tile pre-fetching is enabled or not.
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@IntRange(from = 0)
open fun getPrefetchZoomDelta(): Int
Check current pre-fetching zoom delta.
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Gets the currently selected marker.
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open fun getStyle(@NonNull onStyleLoaded: Style.OnStyleLoaded)
Get the Style of the map asynchronously.
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Check whether tile cache is enabled or not.
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open fun getWidth(): Float
Returns the measured width of the Map.
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open fun getZoom(): Double
Returns the current zoom level.
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Returns whether the map allows concurrent multiple infowindows to be shown.
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Returns whether the map debug information is currently shown.
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Repositions the camera according to the instructions defined in the update.
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open fun queryRenderedFeatures(@NonNull coordinates: PointF, @Nullable layerIds: Array<String>): List<Feature>
Queries the map for rendered features.
open fun queryRenderedFeatures(@NonNull coordinates: RectF, @Nullable layerIds: Array<String>): List<Feature>
open fun queryRenderedFeatures(@NonNull coordinates: PointF, @Nullable filter: Expression, @Nullable layerIds: Array<String>): List<Feature>
open fun queryRenderedFeatures(@NonNull coordinates: RectF, @Nullable filter: Expression, @Nullable layerIds: Array<String>): List<Feature>
Queries the map for rendered features Returns an empty list if either the map or underlying render surface has been destroyed.
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open fun removeAnnotation(id: Long)
Removes an annotation from the map
open fun removeAnnotation(@NonNull annotation: Annotation)
Removes an annotation from the map.
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Removes all annotations from the map.
open fun removeAnnotations(@NonNull annotationList: List<out Annotation>)
Removes multiple annotations from the map.
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open fun removeMarker(@NonNull marker: Marker)
Convenience method for removing a Marker from the map.
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Removes a callback that is invoked when camera movement has ended.
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Removes a callback that is invoked when camera movement was cancelled.
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Removes a callback that is invoked when camera position changes.
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Removes a callback that is invoked when camera movement has started.
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Removes a callback that's invoked when the map is flinged.
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Removes a callback that's invoked when the user clicks on the map view.
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Removes a callback that's invoked when the user long clicks on the map view.
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Removes a callback that's invoked when the map is moved.
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Removes a callback that's invoked when the map is rotated.
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Removes a callback that's invoked when the map is scaled.
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Remove a callback that's invoked when the map is tilted.
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open fun removePolygon(@NonNull polygon: Polygon)
Convenience method for removing a Polygon from the map.
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open fun removePolyline(@NonNull polyline: Polyline)
Convenience method for removing a Polyline from the map.
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open fun resetNorth()
Resets the map view to face north.
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open fun scrollBy(x: Float, y: Float)
open fun scrollBy(x: Float, y: Float, duration: Long)
Scrolls the camera over the map, shifting the center of view by the specified number of pixels in the x and y directions.
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open fun selectMarker(@NonNull marker: Marker)
Selects a marker.
Changes whether the map allows concurrent multiple infowindows to be shown.
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open fun setCameraPosition(@NonNull cameraPosition: CameraPosition)
Repositions the camera according to the cameraPosition.
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open fun setDebugActive(debugActive: Boolean)
Changes whether the map debug information is shown.
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open fun setFocalBearing(bearing: Double, focalX: Float, focalY: Float, duration: Long)
Transform the map bearing given a bearing, focal point coordinates, and a duration.
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open fun setGesturesManager(@NonNull androidGesturesManager: AndroidGesturesManager, attachDefaultListeners: Boolean, setDefaultMutuallyExclusives: Boolean)
Sets a custom AndroidGesturesManager to handle android.view.MotionEvents registered by the MapView.
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Sets a custom renderer for the contents of info window.
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Sets a LatLngBounds that constraints map transformations to this bounds.
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Sets the maximum Pitch the map can be displayed at.
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Sets the maximum zoom level the map can be displayed at.
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Sets the minimum Pitch the map can be displayed at.
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Sets the minimum zoom level the map can be displayed at.
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Loads a new style from the specified offline region definition and moves the map camera to that region.
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Sets a callback that's invoked on every frame rendered to the map view.
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Sets a callback that's invoked when the user clicks on an info window.
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Set an callback to be invoked when an InfoWindow closes.
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Sets a callback that's invoked when a marker's info window is long pressed.
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Sets a callback that's invoked when the user clicks on a marker.
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Sets a callback that's invoked when the user clicks on a polygon.
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Sets a callback that's invoked when the user clicks on a polyline.
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open fun setPadding(left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int)
Sets the distance from the edges of the map view's frame to the edges of the map view's logical viewport.
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open fun setPrefetchesTiles(enable: Boolean)
Enable or disable tile pre-fetching.
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open fun setPrefetchZoomDelta(@IntRange(from = 0) delta: Int)
Set the tile pre-fetching zoom delta.
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open fun setStyle(style: String)
open fun setStyle(style: String, callback: Style.OnStyleLoaded)
Loads a new map style from the specified bundled style.
open fun setStyle(builder: Style.Builder)
open fun setStyle(builder: Style.Builder, callback: Style.OnStyleLoaded)
Loads a new map style from the specified builder.
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open fun setSwapBehaviorFlush(flush: Boolean)
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open fun setTileCacheEnabled(enabled: Boolean)
Indicating whether the map may cache tiles for different zoom levels or not.
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open fun setZoom(zoom: Double, @NonNull focalPoint: PointF, duration: Long)
Zooms the camera to the specified level.
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Takes a snapshot of the map.
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open fun triggerRepaint()
Trigger the mapview to repaint.
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open fun updateMarker(@NonNull updatedMarker: Marker)
Updates a marker on this map.
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open fun updatePolygon(@NonNull polygon: Polygon)
Update a polygon on this map.
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open fun updatePolyline(@NonNull polyline: Polyline)
Update a polyline on this map.