Architectural Problems & Recommendations

Up until now, this document focused solely on the state of MapLibre Native at the time of writing. This section speaks of possible future improvements for MapLibre Native from an architectural point of view. Before that, let's look into the architectural challenges MapLibre Native is facing1:

Renderer coupled with OpenGL

The renderer component is tightly coupled to OpenGL ES. It uses OpenGL ES as its only preferred rendering backend. Furthermore, MapLibre Native does not have a clear separation between the following:

  1. The logical responsibility of rendering a map tile. This involves sourcing layers, applying styles, fetching glyphs and sprites for a map tile.

  2. Rendering a prepared map tile in a rendering loop for a graphics API such as OpenGL.

The current rendering loop is only implemented for OpenGL. In 2018, Apple deprecated OpenGL for both iOS 12 and macOS in favour of Metal. Metal is Apple's own 3D graphics API. MapLibre Native's sole dependency on OpenGL ES puts it in a risk of deprecation for iOS customers.

Lack of support for other map projections except Web Mercator

MapLibre Native supports Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) as its only supported projection. This fulfills most of the web and device map needs. At the time of writing, modern map renderers such as Google Maps and Mapbox GL offers 3D globe, conic, and rectangular projections too. At the time of writing, MapLibre Native renderer component does not have an architectural separation for supporting multiple projections and coordinate reference systems.

Inconsistency among platforms

Each MapLibre Native platform has a Map View and Map Renderer component. The inconsistency introduced due to differences in concurrency model and programming language is unavoidable. But from an abstractions point of view there are inconsistencies that can be mitigated:

  1. Map Configuration is modeled inside MapLibre Native Core, the shared cross platform codebase. Each platform creates its own configuration class and creates a shadow native object. The native configuration object is consistent across platforms but the platform specific configuration is not.

  2. MapLibre Native has a sister repository named MapLibre GL JS. At the time of writing, MapLibre GL JS does not share any code with MapLibre Native except shaders, the style specification, and render test fixtures. This creates a feature inconsistency across web and device experience for customers. The rendering architecture is also different between Web and Mobile. MapLibre GL JS currently uses WebGL through completely different implementations for Map, Style, Layers, Glyph, and TileWorker.

  3. MapLibre Rust is an experimental initiative to create a new MapLibre implementation in Rust, entirely based on WebGPU. At the time of writing, WebGPU is a young platform that exposes modern computer graphics capabilities, especially Direct3D 12, Metal, and Vulkan through a shared API. It has promise, but the API at the time of writing only supports ChromeOS, macOS, and Windows 10. Technically, it can be used with Android and iOS but these platforms do not provide out of the box support for it. This also has created a divergent experience for customers when it comes to using MapLibre Native.

Lack of documentation

Last but not the least, MapLibre Native suffers from a general lack of documentation. This includes current state of the code architecture, continuous integration and development, testing strategy, and a roadmap for future improvement. This document intends to address the first.


This document proposes the following component architecture for MapLibre Native to address the architectural shortcomings.

Figure 4: Proposed Architecture of MapLibre Native

Proposed architecture of MapLibre Native in Figure 4 addresses the aforementioned problems by:

Modular Rendering

Introducing modularized rendering through Unified Rendering Interface. Unified Rendering Interface component will be responsible for implementing different graphics API workers for any tile workers. Each of these rendering workers will use platform specific shaders. This document does not dive deep into how these shaders will be produced or orchestrated. The problem Unified Rendering Interface solves is architecturally drawing a boundary between

  1. The responsibility of rendering a map tile through GPU and,

  2. Gathering all layers necessary to render a map tile through tile workers.

Projector Component

Introducing a new component named Projector. A projector component is responsible for adding multiple projection and coordinate system support for map tiles. Projector will take the features to be rendered as an input and project the layer to a projection or coordinate reference system. Projected world coordinates will then be translated to native device coordinates.

One example of introducing new component is supporting 3D maps in the future. This could mean rendering map tiles on a spherical globe instead of a flat 3D plane. At the time of writing MapLibre Native supports 2.5D extrusion for buildings and terrain tiles. Supporting confidential datums like GCJ-02 can also be achieved through this.

Future Convergence with WebGPU

This document acknowledges the value proposition Rust brings. At the time of writing, MapLibre Native Core is written in C++. Albeit written in C++, MapLibre Native code relies on immutable message passing between renderer and tile workers. Private functions also follow the C++ move semantics. This means, each private function takes ownership of the arguments passed to the function by copying it to a new memory.

Rust as a programming language enforces such intentions through compile time safety checks. Provided Rust Foreign Function2 Interface allows interoperability with Rust, this document proposes the following to be done in sequence:

  1. At first, this document proposes to implement Modularized Rendering in C++ for MapLibre Native. This document also proposes that Unified Rendering Interface will keep the door open for a WebGPU backed renderer in MapLibre Native. This could address the divergence of web and native platforms in the future. The WebGPU renderer might be possible to compiled to WebAssembly and enable WebGPU powered rendering for browsers. This paves the path forward for a single unified renderer implementation for web and mobile devices.

  2. After the delivery of Modularized Rendering, this document proposes to eventually migrate Style, Layers, Text, Glyphs, Projector, Tile Worker, and Map component to be migrated to Rust.

  3. Finally, this document proposes to migrate Unified Rendering Interface and its implementations to Rust. This will completely transform MapLibre Native from a C++ ecosystem to a Rust ecosystem.

Following the above steps will merge towards a single MapLibre implementation for web and native.


This document deliberately does not speak of problems regarding build and infrastructure of MapLibre Native. They will be handled in individual design PR requests / documents.


Rust Foreign Function Interface allows interop bindings and code that needs to exchange C-Like strings with other programming languages.