Ten Thousand Foot View

Figure 1: MapLibre Native Components – Ten Thousand Foot view

From ten thousand foot, MapLibre Native is composed of Map View and a Renderer. MapLibre Native supports iOS, Android, Linux, QT, MacOS, and nodeJS at the time of writing. Each of these platforms have their own Map View and Map Renderer component. A Map Renderer talks to a shared codebase that renders map by using device GPU. This shared piece of code at the time of writing supports OpenGL as its choice of rendering API.

Apart from the platform code, MapLibre Native offers shared implementation for Style, Layers, Text, Glyphs, and Tiles.

To summarize:

  1. Map View is responsible for viewing a slippy map, a term referring to web maps which lets a user zoom and pan around. Each platform has its own Map View.

  2. Map Renderer is composed of two parts, one is a platform specific map rendering loop. The other is a cross-platform renderer backend, denoted as Renderer in Figure 1.

  3. A map renderer uses a Tile Worker to render individual map tile. It uses an Actor Framework to send messages to a Tile Worker to produce said tiles.

  4. A tile worker prepares a tile one layer at a time. A map tile is composed of multiple layers.

  5. A Layer requires Style, Glyphs, and Sprites for to be ready for rendering. Features rendered in a Layer come from data sources. And a Layer is composed of tiles produced from said features.

We will look a bit more into these components going forward1.

Map View

A Map View is a reusable map viewer that renders a raster or vector map in different platform specific viewports. It bears the standard of common map configuration across the platforms. These ranges from map viewport size, pixel ratio, tileset URL, style, collision configuration for text, and annotations2. A Map View does not contain any rendering capability of its own. It publishes and listens to events through observers3.

Figure 1 does not display the explicit use of observers for brevity.


Observers are a group of components that listen and publish events from and to a Map View. Observer come in two major flavours across platforms -- a map observer and a rendering observer. A map observer is responsible for handling events for map configuration changes. This includes events for loading and updating style, events for map becoming idle, events initialization and completion of rendering, and events for camera orientation changes. On the other hand, a rendering observer deals with events that are directly related to frame-by-frame map rendering. A rendering observer might publish a rendering event to map observers but they are usually rendering initialization or completion events. One key thing to remember here is a map configuration can lead to rendering changes such as camera switch, map center change, viewport size change, zoom, and pitch change.


Style component embodies a MapLibre Style Document. A style document is a JSON object that defines the visual appearance of a map through the order to draw it in, what to draw, and how to style the data while drawing it. Style sub-component is composed of classes and functions that allows downloading, and configuring a style. A style can be fetched from a remote HTTP resource or configured locally. The style component also carries a Sprite Loader to load sprites, remote HTTP URL for glyphs, layers to draw and sources of data to draw. A sprite is a single image that contains all the icons included in a style. Layers are composed of sources where a source could be a vector tile set, raster tile set, or GeoJSON data

To complete initialization of a map component, we need to initialize a map, style with source and layers, and observers.


Layer is an overloaded terminology in the MapLibre Native's context. Layer can mean any of the following:

  1. From the point of view of data that needs to be rendered on map, each map tile is composed of layers of data. Each layer, in this context, contains features4 to be rendered in a map. These features are defined by a source. Each layer is tied to a source.

  2. From the point of view of style, a style's layer property list all the layers available in that style. A single style sheet can be applied atop one or many layers. This layer definition converges data to be rendered and the style to be applied on said layer.

When this document uses the word layer in context of rendering, it refers to the definition mentioned in 2.


A glyph is a single representation of a character. A font is a map of characters5. Map tiles use labels of text to show name of cities, administrative boundaries, or street names. Map tiles also need to show icons for amenities like bus stops and parks. A map style uses character map from fonts to display labels and icons. Collectively these are called glyphs.

Glyphs require resizing, rotation, and a halo for clarity in nearly every interaction with the map. To achieve this, all glyphs are pre-rendered in a shared texture, called texture atlas. This atlas is packed inside protobuf container. Each element of the atlas is an individual texture representing the SDF of the character to render.

Each glyph bitmap inside is a field of floats, named signed distance. It represents how a glyph should be drawn by the GPU. Each glyph is of font size 24 that stores the distance to the next outline in every pixel. Easily put if the pixel is inside the glyph outline it has a value between 192-255. Every pixel outside the glyph outline has a value between 0-191. This creates a black and white atlas of all the glyphs inside.

This document currently does not have a dedicated section on text rendering. When it does, we will dive more into glyph rendering.

Actor Framework

MapLibre Native is used in mobile platforms. To be performant in underpowered environments, MapLibre Native tries to leverage message passing across threads to render frames asynchronously. The threading architecture in implementation realizes this using the Actor interface6. In reality the messages are raw pointers. This ranges from raw message to actionable message. By actionable message this document means anonymous functions that are passed as messages between actors. These arbitrary messages are immutable by design. The current implementation of the Actor framework is done through two major components, a MailBox and an Actor. A MailBox is attached to a specific type of Message. In the current implementation, these are rendering events that render layers, sources, and subsequently tiles. An Actor is an independent thread passing messages to others.


A Map Renderer translates geospatial features in a vector or raster tile to rendered or rasterized map tiles shown in a slippy map. MapLibre Native uses a Renderer component to translate map tiles fetched from a tile server to a rendered map.

MapLibre Native uses a pool of workers. These workers are responsible for background tile generation. A render thread continuously renders the current state of the map with available tiles at the time of rendering. In Javascript and iOS, the render thread is the same as the foreground/UI. For performance reasons, Android render thread is separated from the UI thread. The changes to the map on the UI due to user interaction is batched together and sent to the render thread for processing. The platforms also include worker threads for processing for platform-specific tasks such as running HTTP requests in the background. But the core code is agnostic about where those tasks get performed. Each platform is required to provide its own implementation of concurrency/threading primitives for MapLibre Native core to use. The platform code is also free to use its own threading model. For example, Android uses a GLSurfaceView with a GLThread where the iOS SDK uses Grand Central Dispatch for running asynchronous tasks.

Tile Worker

We have noted early in this document that MapLibre Native uses message passing to communicate with the renderer. These messages are immutable by design and the render loops checks for these in each iteration. To simplify, there is only one thread allocated for rendering loop, background or foreground7. A Tile Worker is a thread that prepares a tile of a specific type. Geometry Tile Worker by the name of it, prepares a tile for rendering tiles that contains vector geometry. Following that same trend, MapLibre Native offers tile worker for raster tiles and elevation tiles. Messages sent to a tile worker can be processed by any thread, with the assumption that only one thread at a time will work with a tile worker instance.

Tile workers are not based on a common interface or base class. Tiles are. MapLibre Native offers a base Tile class. Raster, Geometry, and Elevation tile instances are inherited from Tile base class. Through this inheritance MapLibre Native maintains the association of Tile types and tile workers. Any Tile Worker is an actor that accepts messages of a specific Tile type. For a Geometry Tile Worker, the type is a Geometry Tile.

*To read in depth about the workflow of a Geometry Tile Worker, please check Geometry Tile Worker chapter.


To read in depth about the data flow for map initialization and rendering in Android, please check Android Map Rendering Data Flow


This document speaks of a simplified configuration for brevity. These also includes viewport mode, constrain mode, and north orientation.


Platform SDKs might use a wrapper map view class atop the map component. This is to help establish contract between the device runtime running a different language. Android is a good example of this behaviour.


A feature is the spatial description of a real-world entity such as a road or a utility pole. Any geometry that is displayed on a map tile is either an individual feature or a part of a feature.


This document used the term glyph and character interchangeably. In reality, a single character can have multiple glyphs. These are called alternates. On the other hand, a single glyph can represent multiple characters. These are called ligatures.


In the Javascript counterpart, MapLibre GL JS, this is achieved through usage of webworkers.


In iOS, the render thread runs on UI thread, as in it's a foreground thread. Android offers wider range of devices in terms of battery capacity. Hence, Android prefers to use a background thread for rendering loop.