Tracy profiling


MapLibre Native integrates Tracy profiler which offers an easy way to understand and optimize your application's CPU and GPU performance. Tracy mainly consists in manually adding markup instrumentation in the code to log performance events. These events can then be analyzed and visualized using the Tracy Profiler tool.

Instrumentation is generally the first step in profiling applications that use MapLibre. Once slow inner-loop routines are identified, additional hardware vendor specific tools can be used to collect hardware counters and optimize low level CPU and GPU code.

Tracy client

Tracy client consists of an API to mark CPU and GPU performance zones. A zone is a code section where the start and end timestamps are recorded.

Tracy server

The server is the Tracy profiler that allows the analysis and visualization of the client recorded data. The server can be downloaded from Tracy release page or it can be easily built from sources on Linux, Windows or Mac using CMake

Enabling instrumentation in MapLibre Native

Instrumentation is enabled by turning ON the CMake option MLN_USE_TRACY. Tracy computational overhead is very low but by default it keeps all instrumentation events that are not consumed by the server in system memory. This can have a negative effect on platforms with low memory. To prevent high memory usage, TRACY_ON_DEMAND macro should defined. This way instrumentation data is only stored when the server is connected to the application.

Instrumentation in MapLibre

The file include/mbgl/util/instrumentation.hpp defines the following instrumentation macros:


The macro records the timestamps at the start and end of the code scope. The parameter label is a user defined name for the zone. Example:

// code is not instrumented
  MLN_TRACE_ZONE(EmptyZone) // Records from here until the end of the scope
  // code here is instrumented
// other here not instrumented

The macro is meant to be placed at the start of a function and expands to:

GPU instrumentation

OpenGL is also supported in MapLibre native. Tracy support is currently missing for other APIs such as Metal and need to be added separately.


This macro is similar to MLN_TRACE_ZONE except that OpenGL timestamp queries are inserted in the GPU command buffer instead of recording CPU time.


This macro is similar to MLN_TRACE_FUNC except that OpenGL timestamp queries are inserted in the GPU command buffer instead of recording CPU time.

Other macros

The above macros can be added inside MapLibre code and also in the application code that calls MapLibre.

The following macros should only be used if there are changes to MapLibre internals:


Mark the end of a frame.


Placed after an OpenGL context is created.


Record a read-only texture allocation and deallocation


Record a render target texture allocation and deallocation


Record a buffer allocation and deallocation that is intended to be used as a read-only vertex buffer


Record a buffer allocation and deallocation that is intended to be used as a read-only index buffer


Record a buffer allocation and deallocation that is intended to be used as a constant buffer

Usage example on Linux and Windows

Download or build the Tracy profiler (server) and run it.

Make sure you generate the MapLibre project with the option MLN_USE_TRACY enabled.

As an example, the glfw sample is used.

With CMake, in MapLibre repository root do

# generate project
# build
cmake --build build --target mbgl-glfw -j 8
# run
./build/platform/glfw/mbgl-glfw --style --benchmark

with Bazel

# build and run
bazel run //platform/glfw:glfw_app -- --style --benchmark

In the Tracy Profiler hit the connect button (or select the glfw application from the list of applications that are running Tracy Client). Profile then optimize the code.

Connecting the profiler to a MapLibre Android application

The Android application communicates instrumentation data to the profiler (Tracy server) on the network using port 8086 by default. You can expose the port to the profiler using Android Debug Bridge by running the command:

adb forward tcp:8086 tcp:8086

More information and advanced usage in Tracy

Tracy Github page

Tracy user guide

Tracy demo on Youtube

Tracy CppCon presentation on Youtube