
We have created a rendering performance benchmark for Android. The logic for this benchmark is encapsulated in BenchMarkActivity.kt.


We have hardcoded various styles, which you can override with a developer-config.xml by adding some XML with the following structure:

<array name="benchmark_style_names"> <item>Americana</item> </array> <array name="benchmark_style_urls"> <item></item> </array>

Retrieving Results

Results are logged to the console as they come in. After the benchmark is done running a benchmark_results.json file is generated. You can pull it off the device with for example adb:

adb shell "run-as cat files/benchmark_results.json" \ > benchmark_results.json


The benchmark_results.json containing the benchmark results will have the following structure.

{ "results": [ { "styleName": "AWS Open Data Standard Light", "syncRendering": true, "thermalState": 0, "fps": 34.70237085812839, "avgEncodingTime": 19.818289053808947, "avgRenderingTime": 7.7432454899654255, "low1pEncodingTime": 91.72538138784371, "low1pRenderingTime": 26.573758581509203 }, ], "deviceManufacturer": "samsung", "model": "SM-G973F", "renderer": "drawable", "debugBuild": true, "gitRevision": "fc95b79880223e34c2ce80339f698d095e3d63cd", "timestamp": 1736454325393 }

The meaning of the keys is as follows.

styleNameName of the style being benchmarked
syncRenderingWhether synchronous rendering was used
thermalStateThermal state of the device during benchmark
fpsAverage frames per second achieved during the benchmark
avgEncodingTimeAverage time taken for encoding in milliseconds
avgRenderingTimeAverage time taken for rendering in milliseconds
low1pEncodingTime1st percentile (worst case) encoding time in milliseconds
low1pRenderingTime1st percentile (worst case) rendering time in milliseconds
deviceManufacturerManufacturer of the test device
modelModel number/name of the test device
rendererType of renderer used (drawable for Open GL ES, vulkan for Vulkan, legacy for the legacy Open GL ES rendering backend)
debugBuildWhether the build was a debug build
gitRevisionGit commit hash of the code version
timestampUnix timestamp of when the benchmark was run

Large Scale Benchmarks on AWS Device Farm

Sometimes we do a large scale benchmark across a variety of devices on AWS Device Farm. We ran one such test in November 2024 to compare the performance of the then new Vulkan rendering backend against the OpenGL ES backend. There are some scripts in the repo to kick off the tests and to collect and plot the results:

scripts/aws-device-farm/ scripts/aws-device-farm/collect-benchmark-outputs.mjs scripts/aws-device-farm/update-benchmark-db.mjs scripts/aws-device-farm/

Continuous Benchmarking

We are running the Android benchmark on every merge with main.

You can find the results per commit here or pull them from our public S3 bucket:

aws s3 sync s3://maplibre-native/android-benchmark-render/ .

Benchmarks in Pull Request

To run the benchmarks (for Android) include the following line on a PR comment:

!benchmark android

A file with the benchmark results will be added to the workflow summary, which you can compare with the previous results in the bucket.