iOS Documentation

We use DocC for the MapLibre iOS documentation. The live documentation site can be found here.


You need to have aws-cli installed to download the resources from S3 (see below). Run the following command:

aws s3 sync --no-sign-request "s3://maplibre-native/ios-documentation-resources" "platform/ios/MapLibre.docc/Resources"

Then, to build the documentation locally, run the following command:

platform/ios/scripts/ preview

Resources like images should not be checked in but should be uploaded to the S3 Bucket. You can share a .zip with all files that should be added in the PR.

If you want to get direct access you need an AWS account to get permissions to upload files. Create an account and authenticate with aws-cli. Share the account ARN that you can get with

aws sts get-caller-identity


The code samples in the documentation should ideally be compiled on CI so they do not go out of date.

Fence your example code with

// #-example-code(LineTapMap) ... // #-end-example-code

Prefix your documentation code block with

<!-- include-example(LineTapMap) --> ```swift ... ```

Then the code block will be updated when you run:

node scripts/update-ios-examples.mjs