Release MapLibre iOS

We make iOS releases to GitHub (a downloadable XCFramework), the Swift Package Index and CocoaPods. Everyone with write access to the repository is able to make releases using the instructions below.

Also see the current release policy.

Making a release

  1. Prepare a PR, see this PR as an example.

    • Update the changelog. The changelog should contain links to all relevant PRs for iOS since the last release. You can use the script below with a GitHub access token with the public_repo scope. You will need to filter out PRs that do not relate to iOS.
      GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=... node scripts/generate-changelog.mjs ios
      The heading in the changelog must match ## <VERSION> exactly, or it will not be picked up. For example, for version 6.0.0:
      ## 6.0.0
    • Update the VERSION file in platform/ios/VERSION with the version to be released. We use semantic versioning, so any breaking changes require a major version bump. Use a minor version bump when functionality has been added in a backward compatible manner, and a patch version bump when the release contains only backward compatible bug fixes.
  2. Once the PR is merged the ios-ci.yml workflow will detect that the VERSION file is changed, and a release will be made automatically.


Run the ios-ci workflow. You can use the GitHub CLI:

gh workflow run ios-ci.yml -f release=pre --ref main

Or run the workflow from the Actions tab on GitHub.

The items under the ## main heading in platform/ios/ will be used as changelog for the pre-release.