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CustomRenderMethodInput = object

Defined in: src/style/style_layer/custom_style_layer.ts:10

Input arguments exposed by custom render function.



defaultProjectionData: ProjectionData

Defined in: src/style/style_layer/custom_style_layer.ts:107

Uniforms that should be passed to the vertex shader, if MapLibre's projection code is used. For more details of this object's internals, see its doc comments in src/geo/projection/projection_data.ts.

These uniforms are set so that projectTile in shader accepts a vec2 in range 0..1 in web mercator coordinates. Use map.transform.getProjectionData({overscaledTileID: tileID}) to get uniforms for a given tile and pass vec2 in tile-local range 0..EXTENT instead.

For projection 3D features, use projectTileFor3D in the shader.

If you just need a projection matrix, use defaultProjectionData.projectionMatrix. A projection matrix is sufficient for simple custom layers that also only support mercator projection.

Under mercator projection, when these uniforms are used, the shader's projectTile function projects spherical mercator coordinates to gl clip space coordinates. The spherical mercator coordinate [0, 0] represents the top left corner of the mercator world and [1, 1] represents the bottom right corner. When the renderingMode is "3d", the z coordinate is conformal. A box with identical x, y, and z lengths in mercator units would be rendered as a cube. MercatorCoordinate.fromLngLat can be used to project a LngLat to a mercator coordinate.

Under globe projection, when these uniforms are used, the elevation parameter passed to projectTileFor3D in the shader is elevation in meters above "sea level", or more accurately for globe, elevation above the surface of the perfect sphere used to render the planet.


farZ: number

Defined in: src/style/style_layer/custom_style_layer.ts:16

This value represents the distance from the camera to the far clipping plane. It is used in the calculation of the projection matrix to determine which objects are visible. farZ should be larger than nearZ.


fov: number

Defined in: src/style/style_layer/custom_style_layer.ts:26

Vertical field of view in radians.


modelViewProjectionMatrix: mat4

Defined in: src/style/style_layer/custom_style_layer.ts:32

model view projection matrix represents the matrix converting from world space to clip space *


nearZ: number

Defined in: src/style/style_layer/custom_style_layer.ts:22

This value represents the distance from the camera to the near clipping plane. It is used in the calculation of the projection matrix to determine which objects are visible. nearZ should be smaller than farZ.


projectionMatrix: mat4

Defined in: src/style/style_layer/custom_style_layer.ts:38

projection matrix represents the matrix converting from view space to clip space


shaderData: object

Defined in: src/style/style_layer/custom_style_layer.ts:42

Data required for picking and compiling a custom shader for the current projection.


define: string

Defines to add to the shader code. Depends on current projection.

const vertexSource = `#version 300 es
in vec2 a_pos;
void main() {
    gl_Position = projectTile(a_pos);
    #ifdef GLOBE
    // Do globe-specific things


variantName: string

Name of the shader variant that should be used. Depends on current projection. Whenever the other shader properties change, this string changes as well, and can be used as a key with which to cache compiled shaders.


vertexShaderPrelude: string

The prelude code to add to the vertex shader to access MapLibre's projectTile projection function. Depends on current projection.

const vertexSource = `#version 300 es
in vec2 a_pos;
void main() {
    gl_Position = projectTile(a_pos);