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PossiblyEvaluatedValue<T> = { kind: "constant"; value: T; } | SourceExpression | CompositeExpression

Defined in: src/style/properties.ts:377

"Possibly evaluated value" is an intermediate stage in the evaluation chain for both paint and layout property values. The purpose of this stage is to optimize away unnecessary recalculations for data-driven properties. Code which uses data-driven property values must assume that the value is dependent on feature data, and request that it be evaluated for each feature. But when that property value is in fact a constant or camera function, the calculation will not actually depend on the feature, and we can benefit from returning the prior result of having done the evaluation once, ahead of time, in an intermediate step whose inputs are just the value and "global" parameters such as current zoom level.

PossiblyEvaluatedValue represents the three possible outcomes of this step: if the input value was a constant or camera expression, then the "possibly evaluated" result is a constant value. Otherwise, the input value was either a source or composite expression, and we must defer final evaluation until supplied a feature. We separate the source and composite cases because they are handled differently when generating GL attributes, buffers, and uniforms.

Note that PossiblyEvaluatedValue (and PossiblyEvaluatedPropertyValue, below) are not used for properties that do not allow data-driven values. For such properties, we know that the "possibly evaluated" result is always a constant scalar value. See below.

Type Parameters

Type Parameter