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StyleImageMetadata = object

Defined in: src/style/style_image.ts:58

The style's image metadata



optional content: [number, number, number, number]

Defined in: src/style/style_image.ts:78

If icon-text-fit is used in a layer with this image, this option defines the part of the image that can be covered by the content in text-field.


pixelRatio: number

Defined in: src/style/style_image.ts:62

The ratio of pixels in the image to physical pixels on the screen


sdf: boolean

Defined in: src/style/style_image.ts:66

Whether the image should be interpreted as an SDF image


optional stretchX: [number, number][]

Defined in: src/style/style_image.ts:70

If icon-text-fit is used in a layer with this image, this option defines the part(s) of the image that can be stretched horizontally.


optional stretchY: [number, number][]

Defined in: src/style/style_image.ts:74

If icon-text-fit is used in a layer with this image, this option defines the part(s) of the image that can be stretched vertically.


optional textFitHeight: TextFit

Defined in: src/style/style_image.ts:86

If icon-text-fit is used in a layer with this image, this option defines constraints on the vertical scaling of the image.


optional textFitWidth: TextFit

Defined in: src/style/style_image.ts:82

If icon-text-fit is used in a layer with this image, this option defines constraints on the horizontal scaling of the image.