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TransformStyleFunction = (previous: StyleSpecification | undefined, next: StyleSpecification) => StyleSpecification

Defined in: src/style/style.ts:173

Part of Map#setStyle options, transformStyle is a convenience function that allows to modify a style after it is fetched but before it is committed to the map state.

This function exposes previous and next styles, it can be commonly used to support a range of functionalities like:

  • when previous style carries certain 'state' that needs to be carried over to a new style gracefully;
  • when a desired style is a certain combination of previous and incoming style;
  • when an incoming style requires modification based on external state.
  • when an incoming style uses relative paths, which need to be converted to absolute.


Parameter Type Description
previous StyleSpecification | undefined The current style.
next StyleSpecification The next style.



resulting style that will to be applied to the map


map.setStyle('', {
  transformStyle: (previousStyle, nextStyle) => ({
      // make relative sprite path like "../sprite" absolute
      sprite: new URL(nextStyle.sprite, "").href,
      // make relative glyphs path like "../fonts/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf" absolute
      glyphs: new URL(nextStyle.glyphs, "").href,
      sources: {
          // make relative vector url like "../../" absolute
 => {
             if (source.url) {
    *              source.url = new URL(source.url, "");
             return source;
          // copy a source from previous style
          'osm': previousStyle.sources.osm
      layers: [
          // background layer
          // copy a layer from previous style
          // other layers from the next style
          ...nextStyle.layers.slice(1).map(layer => {
              // hide the layers we don't need from demotiles style
              if ('geolines')) {
                  layer.layout = {...layer.layout || {}, visibility: 'none'};
              // filter out US polygons
              } else if ('coastline') ||'countries')) {
                  layer.filter = ['!=', ['get', 'ADM0_A3'], 'USA'];
              return layer;