User Interface Plugins
- π maplibre-gl-compare - Enables users to compare two maps by swiping left and right.
- any-routing - A modular plugin for calculating routes.
- Gauge Legend - Dynamic gauge legend for MapLibre GL JS
- mapbox-gl-controls - Adds controls for a ruler, style inspector, localization, and style switcher.
- mapbox-gl-draw - Adds support for drawing and editing features on maps.
- mapbox-gl-elevation - Adds a control to retrieve altitude from terrain RGB tilesets.
- mapbox-gl-infobox - Adds a control to display an infobox or a gradient.
- mapbox-gl-legend - Adds a control that shows a legend generated from the map style.
- mapbox-gl-valhalla - Adds a control to provide isochrone features from valhalla server.
- mapboxgl-minimap - Adds a control to show a miniature overview of the current map.
- maplibre-compass-pro - old fashioned compass (with compass rose) for Maplibre GL. demo
- maplibre-geoman - Plugin for drawing and editing geometry layers. demo
- maplibre-preload - A tiny zero-configuration plugin for preloading tiles and smoothen the experience when using targeted movements in MapLibre GL JS.
- maplibre-gl-basemaps - A plugin for switching between raster basemaps.
- maplibre-gl-export - Adds a control that exports the map as a PDF or images such as PNG, JPEG and SVG.
- maplibre-gl-measures - A plugin for taking measures on the map.
- maplibre-gl-opacity - A plugin to switch layer like Leaflet.control.layers, and update opacities. demo
- maplibre-gl-temporal-control - A plugin to easily animate temporal data. demo
- route-snapper - Draw routes and areas snapped to roads.
- Terra Draw - The library has a MapLibre GL JS adapter to provide drawing and geometry editing functionality to the map
- maplibregl-minimap - Customizable minimap Control for maplibregl.
- maplibre-gl-style-flipper - A custom control to switch between different map styles in MapLibre GL JS.
Geocoding & Search Plugins
- mapbox.photon - Adds a control to provide a geocoding feature from Photon API.
- π maplibre-gl-geocoder - Adds a geocoder control.
- maplibre-search-box - Adds a control for searching for places using Stadia Maps.
- maptiler-geocoding-control - Adds a geocoding control for searching for places using MapTiler API. docs
Map Rendering Plugins
- π MapLibre GL Leaflet - A plugin for rendering MapLibre styles in Leaflet.
- - Adds advanced WebGL visualization layers.
- - Render a geographic flow map visualization from a spreadsheet published on Google Sheets.
- H3J / H3T - Light H3 data formats for client side geometry generation and rendering using MapLibre GL JS
- L7-maplibre-gl - Adds large-scale WebGL-powered geospatial data visualization framework to maplibre-gl.demo
- mapbox-gl-language - Automatically localizes the map into the userβs language.
- mapbox-gl-rtl-text - Adds right-to-left text support.
- mapbox-gl-traffic - Hide and show traffic layers on your map with an optional toggle button.
- maplibre-contour - Renders contour lines from raster DEM tiles in MapLibre GL JS.
- maplibre-gl-dates β Filters a time-enabled map by date. Optimized for OpenHistoricalMap vector tiles.
- maplibre-gl-vector-text-protocol - Supports
, andTCX
formats using the addProtocol feature. - geogrid-maplibre-gl - Renders customizable graticule (geographic grid).
- maplibre-gleo - Adds symbols using the "gleo" WebGL map rendering library.
Layer Types Plugins
- Allmaps Maplibre - A package for displaying georeferenced IIIF images by loading Georeference Annotations and using WebGL to transform and overlay the images on their correct geographical position.
- mapbox-gl-arcgis-featureserver - A library for retrieving features from an ArcGIS FeatureServer or MapServer. This library makes tiled requests rather than simply requesting every feature.
- mapbox-gl-esri-sources - A library for making it easier to use Esri services in MapLibre GL JS. Supports Esri Map Services (dynamic & tiled), Esri Vector Tile Services & Esri Vector Basemap Styles.
- mapbox-gl-flatgeobuf - A library for retrieving features from FlatGeobuf file using a tiled approach. Compatible with MapLibre GL JS and Mapbox GL JS.
- mapbox-gl-ogc-feature-collection - A small package for requesting geojson from an OGC Feature API endpoint to serve tiles in MapBox/MapLibre.
- maplibre-google-maps - A library for integrating Google Maps as raster layers into MapLibre GL JS. It uses the new Google Map Tiles API.
- ol-maplibre-layer - Render a MapLibre GL JS map as an OpenLayers layer.
- PMTiles for MapLibre - A library that uses addProtocol to read PMTIles. a single-file format for hosting tilesets without a server or API, just S3 or other storage providers.
Utility Libraries
- expression-jamsession - Converts Mapbox Studio formulas into expressions.
- mapbox-choropleth - Create a choropleth layer from a CSV source and a geometry source.
- mapbox-gl-layer-groups - Manages layer groups.
- mapbox-gl-sync-move - Syncs movement between multiple maps.
- mapbox-gl-utils - Manage layers, sources, and properties with syntactic sugar and convenience functions.
- maplibregl-mapbox-request-transformer - This library provides a request transforming function enabling the consumption of MapboxGL Styles in MapLibreGL.
- maplibregl-theme - Custom themes for your MapLibre GL Web app. Theme customizer
- simplespec-to-gl-style - Converts GeoJSON styles with simplestyle-spec to a MapLibre GL Style.
- turf - provides advanced geospatial analysis tools.
- Maperture - A web application for comparing webmap styles.
Development Tools Plugins
- mapbox-gl-framerate - A frame rate control to evaluate map rendering performance.
- mapbox-gl-fps - A frames-per-seconds GUI control and measurer with statistic report output.
- mapgrab - A tool for creating end-to-end (e2e) map tests using popular testing frameworks like Playwright, Cypress, and Selenium.
- maplibre-gl-inspect - Adds an inspect control to view vector source features and properties.
Framework Integrations
- π ngx-maplibre-gl - Angular binding with hosted demos at
- maps-withastro - Bring Leaflet & MapLibre maps directly into Astro.
- echartslayer - Provides an echarts integration.
- elm-mapbox - Provides an Elm integration.
- ember-mapbox-gl - Provides an Ember integration.
- jekyll-maplibre - Provides a Jekyll integration (plug-in).
- react-maplibre - Design specifically for MapLibre, this package is planned to supersede react-map-gl.
- react-map-gl
- react-map-components-maplibre - A React component framework for declarative GIS application development with demos in their showcase and docs
- maplibre-react-components - Lightweight MapLibre only binding for React.
- react-mapbox-gl - Provides a React integration.
- sveltekit-maplibre-boilerplate - A preconfigured template repository develop a MapLibre application in svelte/sveltekit.
- svelte-maplibre - Provides a Svelte integration.
- svelte-maplibre-components - A set of maplibre plugins to integrate with svelte/sveltekit. The repository consists of various useful plugins such as export plugin, legend plugin, measure plugin, attribute table plugin, tour plugin, etc.
- svelte-maplibre-gl - Svelte (v5) component wrapping MapLibre GL JS to provide declarative handling of GL JS through familiar API.
- @indoorequal/vue-maplibre-gl - Vue 3 plugin for maplibre-gl-js
- LibreGL - A powerful Vue library for Maplibre with an intuitive API, and a collection of highly customizable components.
- wtMapbox - Provides a Webtoolkit integration.
Vanilla JS
- plotly.js - Create analytical geospatial figures with MapLibre GL JS in javascript.