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QueryRenderedFeaturesOptions = object

Defined in: src/source/query_features.ts:21

Options to pass to query the map for the rendered features



optional availableImages: string[]

Defined in: src/source/query_features.ts:34

An array of string representing the available images


optional filter: FilterSpecification

Defined in: src/source/query_features.ts:30

A filter to limit query results.


optional layers: string[] | Set<string>

Defined in: src/source/query_features.ts:26

An array or set of style layer IDs for the query to inspect. Only features within these layers will be returned. If this parameter is undefined, all layers will be checked.


optional validate: boolean

Defined in: src/source/query_features.ts:38

Whether to check if the [options.filter] conforms to the MapLibre Style Specification. Disabling validation is a performance optimization that should only be used if you have previously validated the values you will be passing to this function.